In which flowering week am I supposed to use Ionic Boost


Well-Known Member
I have the full hydroponic Ionic nutes set (grow/bloom/boost/formulex/green fuse etc) which has been working quite nicely but now Im wondering exactly when am I supposed to use Ionic Boost & am I supposed to use it with Ionic Bloom or on its own? Keep in mind Ionic Boost contain only Phosphorus & Potassium NO NITROGEN.
So in which week of flowering should I add it to the reservoir tank. Oh & Im growing Blueberry (DJ short) which flowers in approximately 8-10 weeks I think.


Active Member
I use it every week with the bloom. You are supposed to increase the dose of boost the last 3 weeks of flowering.


Active Member
From the very start, I use it. Every res change from day 1 of flowering til the end. It says on the bottle.


you should never use firt for the last 2-3 weeks of flowering for the last 2-3 you should be flushing, you dont want to be smoking firt!!!!!!!!!