In the ground grow is SW. How often should I water?


I have 3 plants in the ground in 90-100+ degree weather & 10 % humidity or less. I am in inland southern california, out in the mountains by the desert. I have been watering each plant with 1/2 gallon every 4 days...


Water as they need it, I have monsters so I water heavily daily.... It is triple digits in my for the next 4 or 5 days....


080912112224.jpgThis is the purple kush plant. As you can see it looks like shit in the middle. I have weak yellow leaves the whole way up & down the main stems but only in the centrer. They get lots of wind & sun.


thanks. Im in triple digits right now. Maybe ill water every other day. I have a moisture meter & it says moist after going below 6" or so. I just cant help but feel like im doing something wrong; why dont my plants look super full & healthy? I use distilled water, nutrients, good soil, etc....


some of those plants look thirsty, water them a gallon each for a week straight and see the difference, plants in the ground can be heavily watered in dry arid areas..


Active Member
Have you checked your pH recently? Wood chip mulch will degrade and lower pH over time. I'm no mj expert but i have been gardening vegetables for some years now and that looks like a ph lockout to me, possibly a nute overdose. The second one looks fine. Neither of them are underwatered but will need more water in this heat

Mack Buchanan

Well-Known Member
If they are in the ground,the PH does not need to be tested. Second get some shade cloth over those girls that is way too hot!


my pH is good. RO water from target is at 7.0 & the tap (which i rarely use) is 6.0 Soil tested at right about 7.0. I dont use much nutrients, just a simple cheap 'all around' from the hydro store. thanks for the advice, this is my first time


Well-Known Member
wood chips suck up nitrogen. leaving very littel for your plant. i would get rid of them find some grass clippeing or alfalfa pellets and put them down in stead. watering should be based on how well drainage is. one spot i have i do once a month the other i can do every day with gallons the water just goes right threw the soil. and there my best plants


Ill get rid of the woodchips right away. I dont know what my drainage is like, my soil is so shitty here; its just practically inert landfill soil because this is a big housing development. This dirt lacks everything is is really REALLY hard packed. I have to use a mallet & screwdriver to start digging the holes because my shovel cant do shit. Does that sound like bad draining soil? I probably dig out 7 or more cubic feet of this stuff & fill it with good planting mix for my weed. Will this help my drainage situation?


Well-Known Member
You can just dig IN some good potting soil that has a good amount of perlite in it.....they will improve draining a lot.


Well-Known Member
Ill get rid of the woodchips right away. I dont know what my drainage is like, my soil is so shitty here; its just practically inert landfill soil because this is a big housing development. This dirt lacks everything is is really REALLY hard packed. I have to use a mallet & screwdriver to start digging the holes because my shovel cant do shit. Does that sound like bad draining soil? I probably dig out 7 or more cubic feet of this stuff & fill it with good planting mix for my weed. Will this help my drainage situation?
to find out drainage.....dig a hole and fill it with water and record how long it takes to drain.....if it takes more than 60 seconds then you have poor drainage. My soil drains in about 40 seconds......A cheap way to aerate your soil is to double-dig a bunch of bags of composting steer manure into your soil......they are like 2 dollars a bag at walmart


i DUG A 2 FT BY 1 FT DEEP HOLE & FILLED IT WITH about 6 gallons of water. 2 hours later the level has barely lowered.


That is not good, soil needs to have good drainage so you don't drown the roots.... Next year buy a premium soil or soiless mix for starters..... Don't stress it though, take care of your plants the best way possible for the remainder of the year and take it as a learning expirience... Check out a few grow threads and soak up the info....


Well yeah it is bad soil huh? sucks, but that is what i got in the backyard from the builder but i have dug my grow holes a lot bigger & fill em with the best i can. I worry cuz in my head I picture water draining out through my good soil mixture and then pooling 3 feet inderground when it meets the pseudo-native dirt. At this point i figure unless i dig silly deep ill never get around the problem so ill just take what i can get. I watch a lot of you tube & old Jorge says wider is more important than deeper so ill do that & I think ill be ok. Eventually my 2 plots (about 8X10 feet each) will have so many holes Ill basically have replaced 240 cubic feet of dirt.


Well-Known Member
Yeah......if you live close to an Agriculture Center/store then they sell bales of good quality soil for cheap......also if you look on craigslist local farmers sell good quality soil.....where I'm at they do. And fuck Jorge!! lol......if you are growing from seed then the taproot will grow really deep......if you are growing from clones then the roots will grow wide but not so deep........just dig big ass holes and you should be fine