In The Future There Will Be A One World Gov't And It Will Be Internet Based!


Well-Known Member
there is no future.
the human race is DOOMED.
you might waste less time trying to figure out how to repaint the titanic.

We Love 1

New Member
Robert, hey buddy! I AM The Genie out of the bottle and thats the way it should be. No need to get put back in the bottle! Everything is going to be fine, I have God Almighty on My side! Hes the One Who directs all My paths and whatnot. It is written "if God be for YOU, than who can be against YOU?" God loves YOU Robert, just remember!


Well-Known Member
this thread should be moved from politics to spirituality.

and they need to put this we love 1 guy back in
that place where they had him involuntarily commited.
they have meds for what's wrong with him.


Well-Known Member
LOL to the 1st post.

Jesus freak son. If god existed we would all have lots of money, many girls, and an endless pile of greens.

So until that happens to me even the concept of god makes me giggle. We are just one huge coincedence or a massive sociological experiment executed by advanced aliens from afar.

I believe jesus was an alien and the gods were martians.

I'm really stoned btw.