in the dark


Active Member
my plant is ready for cropping its been in the dark for 72hour 70% stigmas brown the leaves are very green still no yellow
i have been just running water for the past 5days (nft system)

if i put the light back on for 9 on 15 off for 1 more week. would this bump up my yield

forest 9

my plant is ready for cropping its been in the dark for 72hour 70% stigmas brown the leaves are very green still no yellow
i have been just running water for the past 5days (nft system)

if i put the light back on for 9 on 15 off for 1 more week. would this bump up my yield
i would crop but just wait to here of the experts


Well-Known Member
How many plants do you have? Take pictures of one and do your experiment to it, and then take a picture of it again and compare the 2.


Active Member
How many plants do you have? Take pictures of one and do your experiment to it, and then take a picture of it again and compare the 2.
only 2 but cant cut one and leave the other because the root system are together any way i cropped it and if i decided to grow another how would you go about cropping

Why would sitting in darkness help the plant bud more? I dont think this makes much sense.. This is not natural and i think putting stress on them will probably accomplish the exact oppiste.. Good luck though..

forest 9

Why would sitting in darkness help the plant bud more? I dont think this makes much sense.. This is not natural and i think putting stress on them will probably accomplish the exact oppiste.. Good luck though..
when a plant is stressed it creates more resin so if you leave your plant in the dark for a day or 3 it kicks out more cristals
and growing indoor is natural? no i think not
growing indoor produses much better product than growing natural, your in total control
Your stating that as if its a fact, when really its more of a theory.. The fact is if it were true, every serious grower would do this.. If you plan on re-vegging or taking clones it could caues a tendency to go herm.. And growing indoors you can control the environment. But no amout of artificial light is equal to the energy created by the sun.. Either way i wish you the best, i just dont agree wih your methods.. It dosent necessarily mean that they are wrong.. put up pics