in serious need of some dating advice


Active Member
There is another option here we haven't looked at. Set up a weekly schedule. Since your current gf is your least favorite see her on Mon and Tues. Girl number 2 gets the rest of the week, and girl 3 gets the weekends. If a girl calls on her unassigned day tell her you got work, school, your cult doesn't allow you to leave the house on day X or whatever else you feel like telling her. This plan is 100% fail-safe, absolutely nothing can go wrong here! You can thank me later.

**Disclaimer** All SysKonfig's advice is meant for entertainment purposes only! SysKonfig is not liable for any events that occur as a result from advice given.

this is not an option

i dont know if you have ever tried having more than 1 girl at once but i, for one, dont have the energy

for example im sitting here playing starcraft 2 and all i get is text message after text message after text message, cant even play my damn game

i know what i need to do is "man up" but thats so much easier said than done

the job will get done though, one way or another

even if i have to do it over the phone, lol, now thats some highschool shit


Active Member
for the record, i didnt lead anyone on for 3 years

a long time ago i decided i was just going to be a bad boyfriend and hope to create some distance between us

the worse i got the more she liked me, so i dont know


Listen honesty is the best policy, I'm not saying to flat out tell the first two girls that you like a third girl over them, but especially your gf of 3yrs deserves for you to sit down and tell her listen i don't feel the same anymore and i don't think it's fair to you to continue this relationship if both of us aren't on the same page. It will hurt, she will cry, breaking up sucks in general whether you're the dumper or the dumpie, but we all go through it at one point or another in life and it's just how it goes. She won't realize it at first, but after she will thank you for being honest and not waste her potential time in finding someone who will enjoy being with her. Once you do it you will feel a lot better, and as far as the other girl tell her you are just ending a 3yr relationship and you are in no rush or interest in jumping back into commitment, you need "time" plain and simple, it's easier said than done but just don't think about it, just do it, get it over with, and soon things will clear up. Chin up & good luck. Be a nice guy will ya? lol.