In Response to all the Naked Chick Avatars...

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Well-Known Member
you see what you did there? you didnt like my post. so you ignored it. thats what you should do when you see "porn", and thats exactly what i do when i see your penis avi. problem solved! you crazy fucking fem bitch.
Maybe if you didn't write your entire life story in one post, you wouldn't get skipped...FTW!!!



stays relevant.
i do know you thin I dont see the rude things you post in everyones threads...there is a reason I avoind this place and its because of people like you...i find it sad that rolli lets people like yourself represent his site...its really sad..although I do not agree with the rules here they sure dont seem to be enforced on a fair and equal basis...especially towards the women...if your intent were the same as mine and wikids then you would most likely come in here and put an end to all of this by calming your members down about the seem to simply perpetuate the cycle. I could quote you all day long on things that I would be banned for think that is a fair are wrong sir. I dont think the avatar is goin to motivate any moderators to hand out infraction here because they seem to do it based on biased opinions...I do howeer think that people such as yourself should have enough respect for women to completely agree with the point wikid is trying to is a sad day when the mods around here cant keep the board from being so sexist as to force a woman to express her view in such a should be ashamed of yourself and the rest of the my and the other mods should be apologizing to the women of rollitup for allowing this type of behavior to go on with the males on this site. shame on you and the rest of the roll it up mods for allowing women to feel objectified to the point they feel they must take matters into their own hands. you wanna go one on one with me with intellect...i will beat you every time bud. I know you and I know the type of person you are. go ahead and perpetuate the cycle...we shall see where the respectable member end up wont we. have a good night GT...and good luck with your penis whether it is big or small...i really dont care...i think wikid point has been made and I think you continue to make it with your assenine posts in here thread.
could you please appropriately quote me on where I said that NOT obeying the rules is acceptable, or even that I don't support wikids argument? Also.... I should be ashamed? I have nothing to do with other peoples avatars whether I support wikid's point or not. I don't manage you people, the forum moderators manage you. I didn't create the rules, I just do my best to follow them... So where should I be ashamed? Ashamed in saying that I don't care to see YOUR dick? Should I be ashamed because I can't prevent people from what they keep their avatars as? Should I be ashamed because wikid cant stand seeing other women who have the exact same body parts as her? While I agree with the rules... I've seen it all before- and nobodys body is truly offensive to me...

Nothing wrong with the human body in my opinion... but some people were raised to think differently, and I understand that. I don't come here to get off, and totally agree that there shouldn't be this type of content. I don't know how to make that clear to you...


Well-Known Member
he does that in every post... wont be long.... good night wikid:blsmoke:
Night hun

Maybe if you didn't write your entire life story in one post, you wouldn't get skipped...FTW!!!

A valid point

its freedom of speech. i can insult anyone i want. besides, you are a bitch. it says it right in your name.
It's people like you who make censorship necessary. Can't behave like an adult, have to resort to name calling.

It's sad really.


Well-Known Member
no. its people like you who curl up and cry when you see a stray tit, or someone calls you a name, or you read something you dont like. thats the reason censorship is in place.


Well-Known Member
So where should I be ashamed? Ashamed in saying that I don't care to see YOUR dick?

Should I be ashamed because wikid cant stand seeing other women who have the exact same body parts as her?

Nothing wrong with the human body in my opinion... but some people were raised to think differently, and I understand that. I don't come here to get off, and totally agree that there shouldn't be this type of content. I don't know how to make that clear to you...

But wait, don't YOU have a dick? You mean you don't want to see a dick, even though you have one? How fucking ridiculous is that! :roll:

If you don't want to see a dick, which you have, what makes you think I want to see some other chicks tits and pussy, just because I have them as well?


Well-Known Member
you see what you did there? you didnt like my post. so you ignored it. thats what you should do when you see "porn", and thats exactly what i do when i see your penis avi. problem solved! you crazy fucking fem bitch. all seem to convey your intelligence so well..."you crazy fuckin fem bitch"...I would love it if you said that to a girl in front of me. you continue to convey your ignorance...keep it up bud. I have been banned for suppose we will see if the rolli's consistency is really consistent wont we..have a nice vacation. and may your ignorance pass.


Well-Known Member
and you think im childish? pssh. your the one who is throwing the biggest fit ever over the .1 percent of RIU members who have boobs showing in their avi. i have never ever seen 1 girls twat in an avi in the months iv been here.


Well-Known Member
Yeah calm down... because if I were you can believe this thread probably would have never started. :roll:
I take that to mean that you would have dealt with the naked chick avs, and I appreciate thta :grin:

no. its people like you who curl up and cry when you see a stray tit, or someone calls you a name, or you read something you dont like. thats the reason censorship is in place.
Who's crying? I'm not

I just made a penis av, to be fair.

You don't have a problem with it. That's GREAT.

You have a problem with censorship all together, you should start your OWN thread to address that.

Personal insults are not allowed, why should I have to suffer your bullshit cuz you don't agree with me?


stays relevant.
But wait, don't YOU have a dick? You mean you don't want to see a dick, even though you have one? How fucking ridiculous is that! :roll:

If you don't want to see a dick, which you have, what makes you think I want to see some other chicks tits and pussy, just because I have them as well?
Like I said... I honestly don't care about seeing it... It's a body part. I was giving honkey some shit as he very much asked for by even posting a picture of his dick on the internet. I can be just as much a sarcastic pain in the ass about every individual who posted their pictures in the stupid "Hottest F/M on RIU" threads that have insane popularity reglardless of the fact that it's just unbelieveably stupid to post your personal photos on a forum that discusses things of this nature.

It's a dick... I have one, my little brother and father have one.. My mom has tits, and a twat, just like my lady does... and you do too... I've had my hand in just about every niche adult website that you could come across short of the illegal ones... and look at it differently from how you do... but that doesn't mean I can't give people shit for their pictures :)


Well-Known Member
and you think im childish? pssh. your the one who is throwing the biggest fit ever over the .1 percent of RIU members who have boobs showing in their avi. i have never ever seen 1 girls twat in an avi in the months iv been here.
Your activity and post count also indicate that you're here a lot less. So you probably don't see as many as I do.

While that's nice for you, it doesn't change the fact that I see them on a regular basis. Obviously other women do too, because they came in to agree with me.

I'm not throwing a fit, just finally fed up and doing something about it. I'm not DEMANDING they take down all naked chick avs. I'm just saying, if naked chick avs can stay, my dick av can stay :razz:


stays relevant.
I take that to mean that you would have dealt with the naked chick avs, and I appreciate thta :grin:
Yes that's how I meant it... remember, more than 50% of the people who dislike me do it because I supported the decisions of change from the RIU staff and believe in a change in quality across the forums...


Well-Known Member
could you please appropriately quote me on where I said that NOT obeying the rules is acceptable, or even that I don't support wikids argument? Also.... I should be ashamed? I have nothing to do with other peoples avatars whether I support wikid's point or not. I don't manage you people, the forum moderators manage you. I didn't create the rules, I just do my best to follow them... So where should I be ashamed? Ashamed in saying that I don't care to see YOUR dick? Should I be ashamed because I can't prevent people from what they keep their avatars as? Should I be ashamed because wikid cant stand seeing other women who have the exact same body parts as her? While I agree with the rules... I've seen it all before- and nobodys body is truly offensive to me...

Nothing wrong with the human body in my opinion... but some people were raised to think differently, and I understand that. I don't come here to get off, and totally agree that there shouldn't be this type of content. I don't know how to make that clear to you...
I really like that you are trying to be intellectual now that someone is calling you out on your bullshit. its cute. but the fact have already shown your true colors and you dont represent yourself well at all bro.
you by insulting other members are not following the rules that you agreed to when you signed up...I know for a fact you dont wanna be banned from rollitup...I however really dont give two shit...hence why Ihave been banned...for pointing out the flaws of the site mods and its members and offering an alternative site to those that I know dont wanna deal with the bullshit associated with having you chime in on thier are a joke GT...and that is that...go ahead and open your mouth again to further prove my points for me...please bud..have at it


Well-Known Member
Like I said... I honestly don't care about seeing it... It's a body part. I was giving honkey some shit as he very much asked for by even posting a picture of his dick on the internet. I can be just as much a sarcastic pain in the ass about every individual who posted their pictures in the stupid "Hottest F/M on RIU" threads that have insane popularity reglardless of the fact that it's just unbelieveably stupid to post your personal photos on a forum that discusses things of this nature.

It's a dick... I have one, my little brother and father have one.. My mom has tits, and a twat, just like my lady does... and you do too... I've had my hand in just about every niche adult website that you could come across short of the illegal ones... and look at it differently from how you do... but that doesn't mean I can't give people shit for their pictures :)
You didn't say you don't care about seeing it. You said "Ashamed in saying that I don't care to see YOUR dick?"

Meaning you DON'T want to see it. Not "I don't care whether or not I see it" but you DON'T care to.

And neither do I.

If you have issues with people for posting their personal pics, kindly take it up with them, or address your beef with the Picture threads, not here.


Well-Known Member
you know what? your right. i shouldnt have insulted you and i apologize for that. i was just worked up is all (i still am). censorship is a very sensitive topic for me. but your right, iv had to deal with people resorting to name calling when they dont agree with me too, and its bullshit.

anyways. back to the topic. like iv said, iv never seen a picture of a pussy on RIU. even if there were avis with pussys, the pussy them selfs would be really small, because it would be a picture of an entire woman, not just focusing in on her genitalia. i know for a fact you havent seen a picture of a giant vagina in an avi, have you? and here you are talking about "being fair". well then, why dont you have a full body shot of a man showing his penis, instead of the giant one you have now? yours is way out of proportion. and can you please link me to someone who has a picture of a vagina as an avi, body shot or not? you should be able to give me at least 4 or 5, the way you make it seem its a epidemic.


stays relevant.
I really like that you are trying to be intellectual now that someone is calling you out on your bullshit. its cute. but the fact have already shown your true colors and you dont represent yourself well at all bro.
you by insulting other members are not following the rules that you agreed to when you signed up...I know for a fact you dont wanna be banned from rollitup...I however really dont give two shit...hence why Ihave been banned...for pointing out the flaws of the site mods and its members and offering an alternative site to those that I know dont wanna deal with the bullshit associated with having you chime in on thier are a joke GT...and that is that...go ahead and open your mouth again to further prove my points for me...please bud..have at it
my true colors...? the colors that represent the rules of this forum? since riu posted a friendly reminder of the rules we all agreed to I have supported them. Calling me on MY bullshit? I'm entitled to my opinion... Insulting other members? the only member I have insulted is the one in your pants... and you know what, had your name never been mentioned, or even more than that- had your dick picture never been posted... I would've had nothing to say :) Remember bud, I haven't been banned for anything... and if you look at my previous posts, you'll see I've supported the rules since day one...


Well-Known Member
All this talk about dicks and pussies, vaginas and penises, tits and boobs and what's offensive and what isn't, along with everything else, made me have to go back to my original signature. With all respect to the originator of the thread, of course:mrgreen:

I say keep the Zorro cock!

Bedtime is wayyy over due...

Night, night ladies and germs!

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