in need of some help


Well-Known Member
I cantwait to get through this first dwc grow so I have a foundation being a newb at dwc sucks I have been on this site since 2007 and spent my first while mastering soil, but man hydro just explodes andwish I would have studied it nore ..I notice most people here by now would have their 4 week plant at 800ppm and in budding stage, me I want to get the most out of my veg but amha ving nute problems I dont want to overfeed butwant the plant to be as good as possible for


Well-Known Member
thanx helpsfor the replies so what I did today is kept the 200ppm of the flora nova bloom and added 400ppm of the veg stuff from the local hydro store.... now the res reads 600ppm with a ph of 5.7 I also lowered the light closer to the plants I hope this helps


Well-Known Member
thanx for your help I will eliminate the flora nova my nextflush its just that I flushed last night and no time to get more r/o water do you think it will hurt the plant? the res has 400ppm of veg fert on top of the flora ,but if you recommend a complete res change then I will do tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Man dont flush with ro water only fresh water( that u drink) and no nuts included