In need of Opinions


I just started my second grow. Cracked three AK-48 seeds and stuck them in the ground same day, same soil and under the same environmental conditions. PH 6.5, 20/4 lighting under 400w MH in addition to 3 200w CFLs with reflectors, three sides of my 'open style' grow box are mylar and the floor is panel painted flat white. I've got a couple of panels pulled right now because of the new grow just started. Temp is 80 degrees F during daytime light. What is up with the drastic differences exhibited by these plants. I'm really shocked. Help. My first grow was unknown strain that came out beautiful. Why does one plant look so well after nine days and the others so different. There are even differences between the lesser two plants. One looks skinny and mildly stretched which I'll fix when I repot at two weeks by replanting down to the cotyledon leave. The other plant looks absolutely arthritic. It's the one on the upper right in the pic. I can include more info if needed or more pics. I've all ready got a feeling that the two lesser plants are screwed from the get go. Is it too late to crack three more and add to this grow? I know that will screw with my usual 5 weeks veg and 9 weeks flower but nothing is written in stone concerning this is there?



Well-Known Member
Thats how my grow looked when I first started! and am also using a 400w mh all my plants bounced back an look pretty good now


Well-Known Member
The reason they look so different is because they are not complete genetic clones of each other, and are not given the same exact environmental conditions.

And to elaborate on that a bit more...ITS A PLANT...its not going to all look the'll have some strong plants and some weak ones...they don't genetically multiply at the exact same rate...its mother nature man...go out into the woods and try to find two small plants that look exactly the same...its not going to happen...

Now with that being said, some strains will be more prone to looking closer to the same than others based on how stable their genetics and how matured the seed is. When looking at AK48's, arn't those autos? Autos with Ruderalis, Indica, and Sativa genetic lines all crammed into one and selectively rebread with each other several times over several years and generations of plants...its gonna have some fucked up kids at times :D


Appreciate the info. I did not know that Ruderalis was part of the mix. I saw no mention of that in my download AK48 grow guide which upon rereading is a pretty basic guide to begin with. Better info available through my friends at rollitup. Again thanks. I have a big heart so I'll treat my kids with 'special' needs just as I would any others. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Appreciate the info. I did not know that Ruderalis was part of the mix. I saw no mention of that in my download AK48 grow guide which upon rereading is a pretty basic guide to begin with. Better info available through my friends at rollitup. Again thanks. I have a big heart so I'll treat my kids with 'special' needs just as I would any others. Thanks.
is it an auto ak48? I've seen both...if its an autoflower its got ruderalis in it for the "auto" trait...either way its some mash hybrid of genetics and twists and turns :D


I sure didn't buy auto flower from Nirvana. I just bought the regular mix bag of 10 male/female seeds. Next time I'm going with feminized. Fuck the guessing game or leaving it up to Mother Nature. I know that there are things that I can do to better my chances of producing females but I'm not that sophisticated of a grower (yet). Are there any problems associated with feminized seeds? What would be a good strain for a beginner?