In need of guidance


Well-Known Member
What's going on guys so I started to notice little things in my grow tent and need some white widow x big bud seedling is starting to have yellow at the very tips of the leaves and the leaves are kind of dropping down....I'm running it under a 400w mh with a fan blowing in between plant and nutes since it's only 11 days old



Well-Known Member
I see no problem assmatic,the seedling look's fine ,the first few leaves to come through sometimes do tip curl this can be caused by either too high nutes or too low,or the fan is a little too strong on the seedling,its causing wind burn.
Put them on a feed of 1.1 ec for a week or so and have the llight has close has possible with out burning the seedling,but it looks like you are doing ok don't go doing something stupid ,that may cause more problems it looks a little light that is why i sau 1.1 for a week then 1.2 week two

hope this helps tyke


Well-Known Member
I keep the light a little higher up to start out with. And make sure to start the seedling out in a soil with next to no nutrients in it. I usually use a starter mix and let it become established before starting a light feeding. I've also noticed that water with a little blackstrap molasses works great for young plants.


Well-Known Member
u would do better with a nice bright floro at this stage. The yellow tips could be anything but I'm not worried bc the seedlings look otherwise very healthy. I like that u haven't fed them yet. Many ppl jump right in with early fertilizers and end up regretting it.
So far so good.