in need of a trained eye


Well-Known Member
ok first off i guess i should explain my setup and all that good stuff. ive got 2 1000 watt hortilux eye bulbs in a 6'x4' flowering room. im growing hydro in 25 gallon bubblers tubs(4 tubs, 6 plants per tub)in the flowering room.the temps stay around 80 and the humdity stay at 40%. my veg/clone cabnet is 4'x3' with 8, 4' floros. and 2, 15 gallon tubs with 12 plants in each. the temps in the cabnet are 90ish with humdity at 65%. this is my first full on hydro grow so everything is fresh and new. im useing gh 3part in 5.6-5.9ph water. the only additives i use are cal-mag plus. my young plants are in 300ish ppm and the larger ones are in 1000ish ppm. my water temps stay from 65-70.

ok now to my probs. ive got a plant that is growing very wierd. and i want to see if any1 might know whats the cause. they are a hard to get strain that i dont want to lose a plant from.they are fem seeds from heat stressed into hermi OG kush. that might be the prob right there but i dont know. and i dont think i can get anymore loseing a plant is the last thing i want to happen.

its 3 weeks old in the 1st and 2nd pics. it has crinkeled leaves baaad. it also had a dark purple color to the branches. ive read that a mag prob. will cause the main stem to be red or purple but i cant find anything about side branches like mine. my main stem is fine looking. and it also has an odd smell to it. i cant quite put my finger on what it smells like but it isnt that sweet pot smell. its really musky kinda moldy smelling. it seems to be growing just fine just looks and smells different than anything ive been around.

the 3rd pic is of one of the other young plants i have going, so every1 doesnt think ima tard that cant grow. lol its the same age and in the same bubbler tub.

if any1 has had any of these probs please help me out. i really dont want to lose this plant. if i forgot anything that might help just let me know.
thanx a ton


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hey TH3

What you need to do is drain your servoir and star from scratch. The problem will FIX itself quickly. I recommend using GH 3 part Hydro solution.

General Hydroponics Flora Kit

With a 3.0(micro) - 1.0(grow) - .5(bloom) ratio during the VEGGING period.... start at 300 PPM and raise it slowly - about 50 ppm a days until the leaves are dark green.. and then back off about 50-100 PPMs.

100% success with this mixture/ratio..


keep us posted


Well-Known Member
heya thanx for the quick reply garden knome, but i am useing GH 3 part mixxed just like youve said too the ppms you said aswell. and i added cal/mag plus just top cover all the bases. all the other plants in the same bubbler look great. (the plants are in my avitar pic.) this plant has been looking this way from the first day it broke out of the rockwool. could be be bad genes or the fact its a seed from a heat stressed into hermi plant? im just lost with this plant. the is my first hydro grow and things move alil faster than what im used to with my outdoor grows. lol so i want to fix this plant ASAP if possible.


Active Member
It looks like a mutant plant. I have seen this with DJ Shorts Blueberries. Its from "selective breeding" or inbreeding. If it was a ph/ nute problem all your plants would have it. Grow the freak and love it, or chuck it out. Your call.


Well-Known Member
hey thanx u guys. if its pics u want its pics u shall have. im sure yall can pick out the odd plant of the bunch.
as of today 3 weeks and 4 days the nutes are at 500 ppm, the ph is 5.8, the water temp is 67, the room temp in the cabnet is 87@58% humidity, lights on 18 hours a day, and ive added a lil more cal/mag plus.
ive got a few more Q's for yall. can you give to much cal/mag plus? and if the way this plant looks is just caused by genetics
(1) could it be a good thing as long as it grows ok? (dj shorts seeds are pricey and if this is common it may not be all bad)
(2) is there anything i should be looking out for? i.e. it turning hermi or things of that nature.
(3) what exactly would yall can a plant that looks like this?



Active Member
I'd call that strain mong or fugly, hopefully you can get some acid and make her seed, share the fugliness around your neighbourhood!

Micro mutations can be good but obviously natural selction would leave this one behind!

Keep up the good work Darwin!


Active Member
(1) could it be a good thing as long as it grows ok? (dj shorts seeds are pricey and if this is common it may not be all bad)
(2) is there anything i should be looking out for? i.e. it turning hermi or things of that nature.
(3) what exactly would yall can a plant that looks like this?
Those mutants most of the time develope fine and produce some really good buds. It has no more or less chance of herming than the reast of your crop. Nice looking setup BTW.

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Well-Known Member
I have skunk (orginal Christmas bud), hindu Kush, and afghani that do this every now and again. I take clones from them and they sometimes do the same thing. And other times they turn out just fine. Buds always turns out just fine. I wouldn't worry much, just get clones from them.


Well-Known Member
hey yall, thanx for all the help. as of today its still growin like a lil weed. ill take clones from all my plants, so i can be asured an all female crop next go around. i think im about 3 weeks from starting the flowering, so we'll see how it goes.