In need of a seasoned vet to help me with growing questions.

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Sorry Boat guy, see on my 1st grow I needed some advice. Typed a very long message, put up many pics (on this forum) and ya know what? Not 1 single person looked my way and all I needed was a little help. I dont need someone holding my hand but I do have a cpl questions and I'd really hate to lose a plant in the middle of flower all because of lack of skill from being new to this. Maybe someone has 10 minutes to help a new guy. It's so much easier to talk then to go paragraph for paragraph, I'm sure u understand

Ask your questions, one at a time, one question per thread.
My fault, just lookin for some help. Guess I'll have to find somewhere else to get the help I'm lookin for

We are all volunteers here, giving our time for free to help other growers on this forum, and to learn new things ourselves.

This isn't a free telephone support group. If you want hand-holding, one-on-one phone support, please be prepared to pay for that service, especially if you want someone to take the time to do this with you who actually knows what they're doing.

You get what you pay for, so if what you mean by your last statement is "I'll go elsewhere to try to get free, personal phone support", I wish you the best of luck.
I think Nebula Haze and Sirius at growweedeasy were offering virtual growing lessons. You can try them but it's probably step by step for rookies. If you need questions answered, give it another shot here. You should get some answers right here if you provide decent info with your question.

this is a anonpot growing forum, we dont know you from tomdick or harry and you dont know us,
expecting someone to call you totalk to you is just weird. it isnt that people dont want to be helpful its just really not forum etiquette to do this.

people will help you if you create a thread and ask questions.
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