In-line fan filter/dust cover

I use my inline with the air being pushed out of the filter rather than being drawn into it. Filter on outside of Bloom room and on the floor is the quietest install option for my needs because of fan and air movement noise. I use standard blue air filter at the start of the air duct inlet. 20221123_071808.jpg
It works well, as you can see in the pic there is a small amount of dust that was captured over the past month. I like this method cause a roll of blue filter is cheap and can be be bought at just about any home improvement store.
Of course you lose ceiling height, that's the way it is.

However if you want to use the filter the wrong way around you can buy the dust covers for the brand of filter and cut it up to make a smaller filter for the inside.
You realize most, if not all carbon filter can be used in either direction, right?
If they weren't, then why is the manufacturer saying it? Unless it has a series of filters going down in size, there is no reason you can't.
You can, itl work, just works better sucking through and was designed for that purpose.

That's why a pre filter is on the outside.

Suck through filter, push warm humid air outside.