In line fan dying???


Active Member
I have a in line

After about 6 months of use it has started exhibiting a squealing noise, it happened after my gf blew the circuit breaker, by plugging the vacuum into the same outlet that my fan and some other stuff is plugged into, blowing the breaker. Does anybody know if this squealing noise is a bearing going bad? or is it something to do with having the power flipped on/off a few times getting turning the breaker back on? I'm deathly scared cuz i don't have another one, and i'm 24 days from fininshing flowering. If anybody has some insight, it would be GREATLY appreciated...thx in advance


If you can find a good 6" Can Type fan for $25 - 30, please fill us in? I was about to say that is why it some time pays to buy high end, thinking this one for $150 was cheap.


Active Member
For the price of that no-name inline fan, you could pick up a Vortex with the same specs and probably not be worrying about this.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
When it starts to chatter or squeal, you have a dry bearing. If you don't take the time and effort to open it up and attempt to lube it, it will get louder and then seize up. When that happens it either blows the fuse or burns.
I don't mean spraying WD-40 into it but opening it up and using WD-40 or general purpose grease on the bearings.
Yea, some of those fans are cheap to replace...but I am cheaper and will attempt to repair before replacing.


Active Member
thx for the advice guys..since i'm a lazy stoner i didn't do shit about it, but the squealing has stopped by itself lol, and haven't noticed anymore problems with it at all... the fan also came with a carbon filter, so it probably is cheaper made than a vortex or other high end fan...but my grow finishes up in a coupla weeks and then i'll tear it apart and LUBE IT ALL UP WITH SOME LUBE :D