In Jah, we plant these quake seeds of faith


Well-Known Member
havent popped new tga gear in a while, here we go. i really like starting with 20 beans. but 10 will have to do. i dont know about u guys and your rapid rooters here's how i role:



Well-Known Member
Sweet... I'll be following this one, for sure. Mine popped their heads above soil around Aug 10th/11th, so your not far behind. It will be nice to compare notes. Whats your plan for them? Veg time? Pot size? Super soil?


Well-Known Member
probably 10 gallon pots. with 25% super soil. i would use a bed but if i cut males down theres gonna be an uneven canopy. super soil is like 2 years old. probably at least 6 week veg


Well-Known Member
Nice. My plan is 7 gallon smart pot, about 1/3 super soil, mainline, and veg until they look about right (45-50 days maybe?). Early veg in my T5 cabinet under 24 hr light, then into the big cab under a 600 watt MH (gotta buy that bulb still...). I'll also switch to either 20/4 or 18/6 when I move them to the big cab. Can't do dark periods in my T5 cabinet cause it's not light sealed....


Well-Known Member
sweet. ill be putting mine underneath a 1k mh about a week after they pop. hopefully i will catch up..


Active Member
Fucking Sweet. Subb'd of course.

I run my CQ in 10 gallon smart pots under HID's. BotaniCare for now so I am definitely looking forward to your "similar" grow in SS.


Well-Known Member
right on CQ's are kind of a heavier feeders though....i went about 45%, and they are asking for more....


Well-Known Member
Thanks Nugbuckets. Noted.

I'm working with a new batch of SS that will have been mixed for about 2.5 months by the time they're in it.


Well-Known Member
....get a % from hovering.......he doesn't do SS, but should have a real good idea of much they eat, he ran testers....


Active Member
Yea I went about 50% ss in mine, the querkle phenos can handle it a little bit's just like sub said with the cheese phenos, they don't want the notes at first but by week 3 she's gobbling up everything you can throw at her...I'll try to get some pictures for you later, I will post them up on here if that's ok.

Edit- forgot to say I'm using 5 gal pots at the moment


Well-Known Member
FarmerEd- I'd love to see pics (and I think I speak for all of us on that one ;)). How big did you veg them in the 5-gal?


Well-Known Member
brother KK......i have one Cheesequake in the greenie just starting to flower....its only one, but i can document it so you can follow along.....who knows....maybe i have a keeper....she is in a 10 gal.....40% SS, and i have topdressed her once with a mix of guano, EWC, and tomato tone two weeks ago, she was asking for it....she is really happy now, and has real nice color......but she is my latest to she will be the last one in.....

....i really like her structure....i only got 2 gals out of a 5.....and this one was much stouter, and had fatter stems, shorter internodes..... i felt it would work with my canopy ring i went with it....
CQ 001.jpgCQ 002.jpg


Well-Known Member
she is about 40 inches tall.....her understory is coming out next week, and i will probably hit her one more time to finish her out.....