In House Genetics Thread

its BS when seed co's ship white non viable beans, got a pack of apothecary like that recently, obviously dud beans being very pale...essentially just empty seed husks yet they still send them, good way to slaughter their own business with all the negative feedback they get for doing dumbass things like that???...

I've got some apothecary and all look a little pale...haven't tried to pop them yet...but def needed another few weeks to mature
Looks like I am going to have to chalk this up as a loss, 1 out of 4 seeds barely opened , then stopped, all the rest were premie's that never popped, when gently squeezed they just pop....50 bucks down the drain.
its BS when seed co's ship white non viable beans, got a pack of apothecary like that recently, obviously dud beans being very pale...essentially just empty seed husks yet they still send them, good way to slaughter their own business with all the negative feedback they get for doing dumbass things like that???...

agreed. indisputable shit business practice. who cares if they crack or not? i will buy seeds from somewhere that actually took the time to make sure they looked healthy.
Looks like I am going to have to chalk this up as a loss, 1 out of 4 seeds barely opened , then stopped, all the rest were premie's that never popped, when gently squeezed they just pop....50 bucks down the drain.
My velvet pie looked real light and even had a bad bean that crumbled right out of the gate but I have have 2 out of three germ.
love when breeders show up when someone talks shit, but ignore actual custys with easy to fix problems. must be the same guy ken had reppin him!

May be time for a re-branding.

Outhouse Genetics? :lol:

just calling it how i see it

It's possible he's been busy. He makes a lot of strains, ya know......and maybe they trashed more packaging, and have been re-labeling ......or on a trip acquiring more elite cuts......;)....but...

becoming a trend lol

Yeah.....and you have been in all of those threads! :cuss:I know this because I have been in those threads. :cool:
i guess you need to have instagram to get cust service.until it gets deleted lol its the same guys in all these seed/strain review threads , were almost a dysfunctional family.
how do you expect breeders/workers to hangout around here? you same guys keep chasing them away....
its getting ridiculous with all this bashing breeders and bean companies....
all this shit is a turnoff... same old shit.....
if you dont like their answer ignore them. stop bashing them, cuz obviously no matter what they say,,it wont change your mind.....
there are peeps here that have questions and will take it for what it is... even if it is bullshit.....

so far dvg is the only breeder i see here. but that will soon change until someone says his cuts are bs too......