Well-Known Member
Pm me bro if u have some seeds ready. Ill buy some ASAP!!! them testers can wait new to instagram have to figure it out yet.put my little two cents in here when ever u buy a pack of seeds off of a bank there mark up is 50% so if you see a pack of seeds for 100 the breeder is selling them for 50 and the bank is adding 50 to it, I was pokeing around about dropping sum crosses here and there just limtited amounts and never to be made again strains and I though 40 buck was a reasonable price for 12 seeds well I got pretty much schooled on that day saying that was way to much and have I won and medal with my strains and do I have elite stuff and worked all my strains and was told more like 20 bucks would be better well shit here I thought I would be doing everybody a favior and at the same time maybe recoup sum mailing prices and the little vial and mylar baggie prices and I was told no it was to much so you know what I said fuck it I will give them away for free until I win sum medals hahaha I mean yeah im just doing crosses but theres still a lot of time in finding a good male and female and im scarfaceing bud that I could be smokeing or selling and buying envelopes and stamps and vials and working on a logo, I worked purple voodoo to f3 and most of the stuff has been tested so I though 40 was low and I still think it is but I pretty much got shut down, that's ok it will make me work that much harder, thanks