In House Genetics Thread

what exactly did you not understand when i said "preordered"? the preorder process lasted for 2 weeks or so, i ordered on the first day. 3 weeks from the states to the uk to germany is reasonable, considering the legal status of said items, or do you think they just appear out of nowhere here in europe? stuff needs to be shipped, safe. there are several countries involved, all with their own customs. when you order your stuff in the us it's all happening in the same country, with way less controls. but hey, keep on being ignorant to other countries needs and problems, like most americans...
You ruined this thread you piece of garbage
I appreciate the backing. I just wanna IHG this bitch like usual but fuck it. I don't play political bs and if I did I'd save it for a thread that gave a fuck.
Na I'm good. I'll listen to the pussy flaps flapping in the wind..

You don't like that the thread veered off topic? Can't say I blame you.

This thread is 217 pages and counting. I've been here since page #1, as has BigLittleJohn. I'd conservatively guess that the 2 of us have posted 20% of the pics and discussions here. James hasn't been on this thread as much, but he's among the elite posters on RIU. So who are you?

What a shame for you, that we took 5 pages and 2 days to respectfully talk through issues that far outweigh viewing your seedlings. Get over it, jrock, or don't. There's 212 pages of IHG before this. That should last you for days.

Go whine somewhere else then or just put your pics or just shut up


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Man post your pics fam. If you not helping anybody you'll be helping me I have a shit ton of ihg gear. Don't get side tracked by nothing or nobody. Post on
Yep, pics are the only way to get a thread back on topic. If they don't forget what they were taking about, and start drooling over your fire, there are only two possibilities. #1 they aren't a true stoner, and don't belong here. #2 you aren't as good a grower as you think, and your shit ain't fire! lol