In defense of MG Organic Choice

I know, MG sucks. Thats what I keep reading on here. But I live in an area where I would have to have all my dirt shipped in if I wanted to use anything other than MG. Scotts seems to have the soil market locked up in this area of the world.

So I had my choice use MG Organic Choice, Scotts (non-organic), or Hyponex (which is nothing but sand, human waste and twigs). I chose MG Organic Choice.

Here's what I did to start off.

Feminized Blue Mystic and a seed I picked up in Panama last year when smoking with some locals.

3 parts MG Organic Choice potting soil
1 part worm castings
4 TBS Garden Lime
8 TBS Rainbow Organic Grow nutes (Powdered)
Watered once a week with plain, dechlorinated 6.8 ph tap water.

I used the 3 gallon grow bags under a 400w MH for 7 weeks 24 hours a day.

I then switched to the 400W hps with 4 68w 2700k compact flourescents thrown in, 5 gallon buckets with more MG Organic Choice, cut back on the worm castings, switched to Rainbow Organic nutes for bloom 8 TBS. and 4 TBS garden lime.

I made a bat guano and molasses tea to water them with through the flowering period.

these were some of the healthiest most vigorous plants I had ever grown.

Yes if I lived somewhere that I could purchase Fox Farms I would but I have had a text book grow with MG Organic Choice and I will use it again. it's 4 something a bag and I can run to the hardware store and load the truck up with it whereas Fox Farm if $16 a bag and that doesn't count shipping.



Well-Known Member
I used MG moisture control with middy seeds and always had a terrific product.(For random seeds that is) The main issue I see with MG is its cheap and common so a lot of new growers use it and when something goes wrong they just blame the soil. Anyway nice grow
Thanks AquafinaOrbit. I think you are right, because it's so accessable many noobs use it and blame all their problems on the soil. I am by no means a noob but it has been about 20 years since my last grow.


Well-Known Member
I use MG Organic Choice exclusively. Last batch I bought 10 bags and mixed it with 3 bags of perlite. Makes a real fine fluffy mix.


+ Rep for you
I use MG Organic Choice exclusively. Last batch I bought 10 bags and mixed it with 3 bags of perlite. Makes a real fine fluffy mix.

View attachment 706659

+ Rep for you
Thanks Reelfiles, For the two of the clones I added perlite and vermiculite in the mix, keeps the soil looser, which is great except with the grow bags it tends to shift when you move it.

I am trying Hempy Buckets with perl and verm for the rest of the clones, they seem to like it.
At what ratio do you mix it?
about a cup of each per 3 gallon bag, it's loosened up the soil from what I have in the five gallon buckets but I had to take the clones out of the 3 gallon grow bags and put it in 3 gallon pots, everytime I moved them the soil would shift and fall apart around the root ball.

It not a big deal it's just eaiser to transplant from the bags to the five gallon buckets than from pots.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
those results are very nice and I have used MG many times with good results. Last season tho I used that organic choice and my seedlings were stunted and I only watered with distilled water so I would assume it was the soil. They eventually came out but it took about 2 weeks before I started seeing new growth. I think it may have a little too much nutes for small germinating plants or something. I didn't add anything to the mix so the adding perlite is a wise move IMHO.


Well-Known Member
MG Organic Garden soil has treated me well, i'd say the only drawback is the fungus gnats
but they're not hard to deal with, pretty small change in the problem department
this northern lights was grown in MG organic from start to end, i was happy



Well-Known Member
i have nothing bad to say about mg organic potting mix.
i use it exclusively for my soil grows and moms.
moisture control sucks though imho. it burns the plants then starves them


Active Member
I know, MG sucks. Thats what I keep reading on here. But I live in an area where I would have to have all my dirt shipped in if I wanted to use anything other than MG. Scotts seems to have the soil market locked up in this area of the world.

So I had my choice use MG Organic Choice, Scotts (non-organic), or Hyponex (which is nothing but sand, human waste and twigs). I chose MG Organic Choice.

Here's what I did to start off.

Feminized Blue Mystic and a seed I picked up in Panama last year when smoking with some locals.

3 parts MG Organic Choice potting soil
1 part worm castings
4 TBS Garden Lime
8 TBS Rainbow Organic Grow nutes (Powdered)
Watered once a week with plain, dechlorinated 6.8 ph tap water.

I used the 3 gallon grow bags under a 400w MH for 7 weeks 24 hours a day.

I then switched to the 400W hps with 4 68w 2700k compact flourescents thrown in, 5 gallon buckets with more MG Organic Choice, cut back on the worm castings, switched to Rainbow Organic nutes for bloom 8 TBS. and 4 TBS garden lime.

I made a bat guano and molasses tea to water them with through the flowering period.

these were some of the healthiest most vigorous plants I had ever grown.

Yes if I lived somewhere that I could purchase Fox Farms I would but I have had a text book grow with MG Organic Choice and I will use it again. it's 4 something a bag and I can run to the hardware store and load the truck up with it whereas Fox Farm if $16 a bag and that doesn't count shipping.
do you add all the stuff to the 3 gallon bags? or do you just veg them in the 3 gallon bags with just MG and then when you flower you add all the stuff to the 5 gallon pots?I guess your post really answered my questions you said you cut back the worm casting so I would assume you add all that stuff to the first part of your grow....also I would guess you use the rainbow grow for veg and rainbow bloom for flower?
do you add all the stuff to the 3 gallon bags? or do you just veg them in the 3 gallon bags with just MG and then when you flower you add all the stuff to the 5 gallon pots?I guess your post really answered my questions you said you cut back the worm casting so I would assume you add all that stuff to the first part of your grow....also I would guess you use the rainbow grow for veg and rainbow bloom for flower?
I add the Rainbow Grow, the worm castings and the garden lime to the three gallon bags and then switch to the Rainbow bloom mix and cut back a little on the worm castings when I move them to the five gallon buckets. Anytime I use MG I add about a Tbs of garden lime per gallon.


Well-Known Member
MG organic is fine, it just needs to be amended a little. I've seen some grows with MGO mixed with just dolomite and fed with simple stuff like emulsions 5-1-1, and 0-10-10 make respectable buds. Heck, if I see the stuff on sale I'll buy some to refresh the recycling bin.

You should do fine with your mix.

random note: I'm even a fan of the MG organic fertilizer that's a 8-0-0 made from fermented sugar beats.
MG organic is fine, it just needs to be amended a little. I've seen some grows with MGO mixed with just dolomite and fed with simple stuff like emulsions 5-1-1, and 0-10-10 make respectable buds. Heck, if I see the stuff on sale I'll buy some to refresh the recycling bin.

You should do fine with your mix.

random note: I'm even a fan of the MG organic fertilizer that's a 8-0-0 made from fermented sugar beats.
I have never tried MG organics ferts.

I like what I have seen so far from Rainbow, I will definately use them again.


Well-Known Member
I have never tried MG organics ferts.

I like what I have seen so far from Rainbow, I will definately use them again.
Related note: I ran into some MG Organic ferts that were powder/granulated and it came in a big pouch. It said it was time release, and IMO time release stuff can suck it.

The only MGO fert that I have used is the liquid 8-0-0 made from fermented sugar beats.