In CHINA.. .

Elementary school students taking advanced calculus exams, and getting beat by their parents for getting an A- instead of an A+.
Fathers disowning their sons for missing a day of homework to get laid.

Pubic hairs that are longer than.....

you get tha point. hahaaaa. a lot of chinese people i come in contact with are such good dudes and gals, good peoples.
china is everything we want it to be except capitalist , we are supporting the red army .....we are putting in countless millions of dllrs every hr
As an american chinese person, i never want to visit that place. Sad that they still aren't really industrialized.

Panda, Panda, Panda. You should definitely go. You'd be surprised how far they've come in the last 30 years. Beijing and the other big cities are just as industrialized as any US city. They're also running circles around us in such areas as energy conservation. Alot of China still is a 3rd world country for the most part, but those are the places where culture and beauty run deep.
As an american chinese person, i never want to visit that place. Sad that they still aren't really industrialized.

there not industrialized? then how come everything is made there? they make alot of stuff and have alot of businesses. their econemy is doing better then ours is.
There are 1000 chinese for every 1 american. . . .throw in India and you double it. It's amazing that Western Culture exists at all anymore. . .we're hugely out numbered-- quite the minority
Panda, Panda, Panda. You should definitely go. You'd be surprised how far they've come in the last 30 years. Beijing and the other big cities are just as industrialized as any US city. They're also running circles around us in such areas as energy conservation. Alot of China still is a 3rd world country for the most part, but those are the places where culture and beauty run deep.

I get that some of the cities are able to put on a front as being industrialized, but as a nation they are still not there yet. They still aren't a free nation where capitalism is going on, they're what you call capi/communism. Place is still very corrupt with regards to business/property ownership, most of the big earners were once gov't agents or still are. My aunt is there right now and she sent me some pics of some of the rural towns. Places where they still eat dogs and what ever crawls that they can catch. Then lets not go into their sanitation system, they have people still shitting in the streets and what not.
eh--so I got the ratio wrong-- what do you want from me?--I smoke a lot of weed-- the point is there are a 1 billion more of them than us-- the Chinese own us.

Totally disagree. The difference in numbers is really no difference. We've spread our military tentacles all over the globe. We have nuclear subs, any one of which could erase China as anything but a memory. We have fleets of aircraft carriers, they just made their first one. Iirc it was made from an old Russian ship.
Anyway, they are all in one place. You're basically looking at a billion fish stuck in a large barrel, fucking with a shark that could eat the barrel anytime it wished. The Chinese know this, so they are defeating us the way you're supposed to defeat an enemy who outclasses you in every way except population. Economically.
How come I can never read the title of this thread without


popping into mind with a bad "In communist China" joke?

I blame the Cold War.