In Canada is the BM keeping prices fair for consumers?

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
I see the BM offering products and cool new items daily. where does it all get sold I wonder. Prices have stabilized for sure.
My thoughts are that the BM is keeping the prices at trudy (trudolph) boys hypocrit legal store dumps fair.
Imagine what they'd charge if the BM didn't exist?? I NEVER will frequent these scum holes but wonder if they are forced to keep prices fair because of BM pricing?
How's the BM doing in your neck of the woods.
I see the BM offering products and cool new items daily. where does it all get sold I wonder. Prices have stabilized for sure.
My thoughts are that the BM is keeping the prices at trudy (trudolph) boys hypocrit legal store dumps fair.
Imagine what they'd charge if the BM didn't exist?? I NEVER will frequent these scum holes but wonder if they are forced to keep prices fair because of BM pricing?
How's the BM doing in your neck of the woods.
Places like Illinois where the dispo prices are at a disconnect even though we are legal rec. The traditional market is king here and looks to stay that way imho edit: didn’t see the Canada part lol
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Bm weed here is mostly better than dispo

Some dispos do have a higher quality that can compete, buf they're just selling the BM weed that is getting older. The growers selling to the dispo make more money by selling directly to the consumers and that is exactly what happens

Some bm weed is utterly terrible PGR bullshit I swear they use flavor drops or some street shit to try to make it sell and should go straight to the trash

With that being said I'll only ever go to a dispo once they aren't so shitty. I'll prolly never go to a dispo
50 to 60 an oz for great weed.

There is a shop in London that is first nations but not on a reservation offering 20 dollar ounces.
They charged him a few times and dropped all charges before it came time.

London Ontario has this on their city website We acknowledge that we are gathered today on the traditional lands of the Anishinaabek, Haudenosaunee, Lūnaapéewak and Attawandaron,

The guy that owns that pot store is from one of those tribes. So his legal argument its on our land...we can sell weed.

The crown might want to prosecute but they can not win. So it will be there a long time.
NEVER EVER EVER buy legal product. You just give trudolph more reason to grin like the cunt he is. Rights robbing asshole that he is.
IH ya have right you say....."not when i'm done with this ya will"
I wish someone would wipe his face with their fist.
The floor sweepings in a box aren't selling. So they will drop the prices again. How many billion grams in stock is it now?
As said here before...weed has little value anymore no matter where ya look it seems. If you can't buy cheap bud nowadays your not looking hard enough.
35 dollar ounces here in michigan now, BM is dead except for connoisseur users with super specific requests, Everywhere it is legal big business is going to do the same things, its inevitable