Soo r u impressed yet? lol
is that you? and if so i assume you rolled those. if it is and you did, pm me your info. i'm on my way to the post office so hurry up.

Soo r u impressed yet? lol
Hey fdd. Ya that's me in the 420 one. The other dude with his wife is just someone I met yesterday at vancover 420 rally. But ya j rolled em both. I tried pm'in u my details but it wouldn't let me. But my email address is XXXXXXXX if u wanna shoot me a line I'll send my details that way. Thanks dude.
Soo r u impressed yet? lol
if i had a peice from fdd himself,
ide praise it and keep it up high on my shelf.
ide bring it down often and fill it with weed,
ide nvr polute it with a stem or a seed.
ide clean it real good after every use,
ide make sure that baby recieves no abuse.
ide treat her like gold and keep her real shiney,
i just hope that the piece aint a lil too tiny.
cuz i rip a big lung when i hit off my shit,
so i need a big bowl so my doseage will fit.
it'de be such an honour to have such a gift,
each time i use it my spirits would lift.
not from the weed smoke but the 1 simple fact,
it was giving to me from "faded to black".
what will it take to get a pipe from this mod?
if this poem doesnt help me im gonna beg god.
to alter ur thoughts and send me a bowl,
cuz i really need 1 and that is my goal.
to get a free peice cuz $ is tight,
xmas killed my bank now my pockets r light.
ide be the envy of many including my friends,
ide fill it all day, my sessions wont end.
so i hope that my poem has made an
PM me FDD, so i can send my address...
lmao he won a pipe ages ago
i aint got fuck all to impress you fdd but i like your pipes n do you ship to the UK if so whats ya shipping costs?
Hey fdd, Not sure if this is impressive or sad but I was checking through my Paypal account and I have spent $1626 on you glass
since Jan 1st.
Hey fdd, Not sure if this is impressive or sad but I was checking through my Paypal account and I have spent $1626 on you glass
since Jan 1st.