impress me for free glass

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My Goodness, I may be new here but Nice job on almost 45k Posts good OP.

My story is Simple yet is how I became who I am today.

When I was younger, my parents used to try and keep my brother and I sheltered, away from the elements and getting hurt. Chase and I had a lot of troubles with these so called "Rules" mom and dad tried to put in place.

As I was growing up, we would go to each others family Dinners (I'm sure everybody here has) and have a feast. I don't mean 10-15 people... we have a MASSIVE Family of 81 and Moms side and 52 on Dads.

This is where Our Green friend comes into play. As Chase and I were Growing up, we would always watch our Uncle David and Uncle Ron eat. We were always amazed at how much these two men could put down.


But 2-3X that much food and 2-3 More plates that followed.

These Two men would eat and Eat and EAT, it amazed us.

On Dec 12th, 2006 (17 Years Old) I had my wisdom teeth pulled out +2 Extra teeth (Bonus ones) - A week after, School went out for the holidays. My best friend S7even (a Member here) brought me back to his place for some video gaming (Diablo 2 LOD) and asked if I wanted to see what he had just bought. It was a nice bag of Smelly BC Bud (I'm from Victoria, BC) and I had no idea what It was. We went out no more than 5 minutes later to smoke my first bowl.

S7even hands me the pipe; at this point I had no idea what "greens" meant, but he gave them to me. I Light the lighter and start to Inhale. Nothing was happening, I didnt have my thumb on the End of the choke hole... Silly me. Finally he shows me how to toke properly and I take my first hit. Instantly I loved the Taste, the smell and how it made me feel. I was in heaven... After I coughed for about 20 minutes after the only toke i took.

Now, 4 Years after I'm still enjoying the local Herb. I bought my first pipe 6 months ago, and the first day... my friend Benton Drops it =( Cracked and unused... So today, I busted out and Bought a new pipe, No idea what to name it... or just let it be the Unnamed pipe :)

Back to my story about my Big Big family.
On Christmas this year we had another Big meal with the 100+ people. Chase and I finally confronted our two uncles and asked if they remember back 15 years to the Log house days... They said yes, We asked how they could have consumed so much food. They took us a side and told us. My brother and I never knew this, the house we had the parties at had a designated smoking room. They brought out pictures and pictures of the different setups they had. In the pictures there was 10Ft Bongs, 5 hose Hookas and a shelf full of pipes. In the window, was lined with bongs and bubblers.

So without knowing and being oblivious to some things I had been around Pot for almost my whole life (to date) -

Sorry if i had bored you but I think it's neat that I never even knew and they hid it that well.

Take care all!
And check out my small grow thread Linked in my SIG!

-Bquamb out!



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Yo fdd thanks for this bent spoon pipe, heres how it looked after smoking a few bowls..




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I don't comment very often, but i've been a member on roll it up for years... Not sure if you consider book binding art, but i do, here some pics of my most recent book, all hand made :bigjoint:

and one with an ipod for size reference, it's pretty big :hump:

i want to send you something. i'm running low on decent give-away spoons, i do have A LOT of pendants and marbles if you are interested in one. :blsmoke: bongsmilie

pm me and we can work out some details. :eyesmoke:
Hey fdd i dont know if u already go tthis one or heard it before, its not mine but when i was in rehab i read it and it made a differnet person, it aslo helped a few people in my family to relize what they were doin and that they needed to stop.

Hello new friend, my name is DEATH,
some still call me Crystal Meth.
I’m easy to find, and a breeze to make,
just ask around, I make you feel great.
Try me for free, I can afford one hit,
I know if you do, I am hard to quit.
Forget those who love you, I am all you will need,
take my hand, to your death I will lead.
I have no conscience, grief is my soul,
I will not leave you, until your body is cold.
You will meet new people, I am social you see,
I’ll teach you to lie, steal, and cheat.
Your new group of friends, they know me well,
and if we get caught, they will leave you in hell.
I am important, I am the best, I make some rich,
then I destroy the rest.
I’ll keep you awake, unable to work, I make mothers cry,
some call me a jerk.
If you have children, or someone you love, I can destroy them,
remember, I am Meth, the Death Drug.
Don’t look in the mirror, you won’t believe what you see,
the reflection looking back, some say it is me.
I’ll rot your teeth, I’ll destroy your gums,
but just remember, you are having fun.
One important thing, you may not even notice the change,
your mind will not function as it did before I came.
Once you are mine, and you have lost everything,
don’t curse my name, you came looking for me.
I’m very possesive, I’ll take your life,
and if you don’t believe me,
Keep doing ICE.
Now that you know me, and we are friends,
KNOW I AM DEATH, will you love me to the end?
Meet Mr. and Mrs. Crystal Meth.

I destroy homes – I tear families apart.

I take your children and that’s just a start.

I’m more valued than diamonds, more precious than gold.

The sorrow I bring is a sight to behold.

If you need me, remember, I’m easily found.

I live all around you, in school and in town.

I live with the rich, I live with the poor.

I live just down the street and maybe next door.

I’m made in a lab, but not one like you think.

I can be made under the kitchen sink,

In your child’s closet, and even out in the woods.

If this scares you to death, then it certainly should.

I have many names. But there’s one you’ll know best.

I’m sure you’ve heard of me, my name is Crystal Meth.

My power is awesome, try me, you’ll see.

But if you do, you may never break free.

Just try me once and I might let you go.

But if you try me twice, then I’ll own your soul.

When I possess you, you’ll steal and you’ll lie.

You’ll do what you have to do, just to get high.

The crimes you commit for my narcotic charms,

Will be worth the pleasures you feel in my arms.

You’ll lie to your mother; you’ll steal from your dad.

When you see their tears, you must feel sad.

Just forget your morals and how you were raised.

I’ll be your conscience, I’ll teach you my ways.

I take kids from their parents; I take parents from their kids.

I turn people from God, I separate friends.

I’ll take everything from you, your looks and your pride.

I’ll be with you always, right by your side.

You’ll give up everything, your family, your home.

Your money, your true friend, then you’ll be alone.

I’ll take and take till you have no more to give.

When I finish with you, you’ll be lucky to live.

If you try me, be warned, this is not a game.

If I’m given the chance, I’ll drive you insane.

I’ll ravage your body; I’ll control your mind.

I’ll own you completely; your soul will be mine.

The nightmares I’ll give you when you’re lying in bed,

And the voices you’ll hear from inside your head.

The sweats, the shakes, and the visions from me.

I want you to know these things are gifts from me.

But then it’s too late, and you’ll know in your heart

That you are now mine and we shall not part.

You’ll regret that you tried me (they always do).

But you came to me, not I to you.

You knew this would happen.

Many times you’ve been told.

But you challenged my power,

You chose to be bold.

You could have said no and then walked away.

If you could live that day over now, what would you say?

My power is awesome, as I told you before.

I can take your life and make it so dim and sore.

I’ll be your master and you’ll be my slave.

I’ll even go with you when you go to your grave.

Now that you’ve met me, what will you do?

Will you try me or not? It’s all up to you.

I can show you more misery than words can tell.

Come take my hand, let me lead you to H---.
well as u can clearly see i stated these are not mine. and it was not writtin by an indian girl but i dont really care who wrote it, just thought id share

this is the real creator of the poem she was found dead in an apartment do to meth and found this poem

Written by

Alicia VanDavis
ok apoligy excepted i was gettin mad or nothin. and they are 2 different poems thats why the double post.
I believe he got it with this......"new logo for rollitup"

I like the illustration, it's nice. But as a graphic designer I can say this logo will never work for many reason. The MAIN reasons is because, since rollitup is a website of all things, this logo will primarily be used for its web presence. The attached pic (#1) is a typical website logo size. Can any of you read it? No. and that's why this would never be a suitable logo for a standard website or web banner. Even if I scale it to the size of the current logo on the website (attached pic #2), you still cannot read "the marijuana source" or ".org". And even if you left it at its original size so that you could read it, it would never be able to be used on a website or web banner. It's just too big.

ETA: The site is mixing up the order of my attachments. The larger one is "Pic #2" which seems to be placed first for some reason, it has the black bar under it with the 228x186 label. The smaller pic is "Pic #1".


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Yo fdd thanks for this bent spoon pipe, heres how it looked after smoking a few bowls..



That is a beautiful pipe! I'm so jealous!

i want to send you something. i'm running low on decent give-away spoons, i do have A LOT of pendants and marbles if you are interested in one. :blsmoke: bongsmilie

pm me and we can work out some details. :eyesmoke:

That book kicks ass! I'll take about 10 of them! Damn, I wish I knew this wasn't a one-time thread. I would've focused more on trying to impress you. Shit, I'll take a free pendant or marble. Hmmm. Now I gotta start thinking again.
One time i was buying weed in my school bad idea i kno but i was mad bored so i rolled a blunt up and lit in in the bath room smoked it outta the window sickiest thing was everyone heard about but i didnt get busted i love pot
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