I've got a little story. Don't know if it's pipe worthy but I`ll make sure it's put to good use if you see fit.
Back when I first started smoking, over 7 years ago. I was lucky enough to find someone selling a Glass Piece. This wasn't your average little spoon. This was an amazing piece, it's whats called an inside out hammer. About 7 inches long, 3 marbles around the base. One of the marbles held a mushroom the others your basic swirls. It was a bright red color, spliced with gold and orange. It hit like a mini Mike Tyson. This pipe was unbelievable thick and sturdy.I got compliments every time I pulled it out my pocket.
Being a new smoker I ran into some "airhead" mistakes with the pipe. I had the pipe for about 3 months when the first drop happened. We were comming back from the Zoo. Awesome place to visit while baked. When I went to get out the car. As I stood up I heard a loud thud. "SHIT" I knew exactly what is was, my pipe I forgot in my lap. So I look under the truck to see the pipe laying on the cement. I swipe it up and take a quick look over it. Not even a scratch, and this was a good 3 foot drop.
Another hit it took occurred while being chased by the cops. We were playing basketball by the school. Drinking a little, puffing on some herb minding our own business. When 2 cop cars pull out of no where, lights flashing, sirens blaring. Well being the smart kids we were we booked it, back behind the school. Around the corner another 2 cops were planted there. He lays my friend and I out. I swear I was hit by a linebacker. I had my pipe in my hoodies pocket and landing squarley on top of it. That thing did more damage to me. Besides leaving a bruise on my stomach it came out fine. So anyways one of the cops is handcuffing my friend, when 2 other of our little group come running around the corner. The cop on me gets up and chases them. With the other one with his back to me, I pull out my pipe and baggie of weed and toss it on the roof of the school and take off running.
So I came back to the school after the whole ordeal and I boost my friend up to the roof. He finds the pipe and even the weed

The pipe is a little scratched, but no breaks or cracks in it.
So about 5 years ago I was living with my ma at the time. And woke up to her screaming at me. I couldn't understand what she was bitching about and frankly didn't really care. After a few minutes of arguement she says, "I found your pipe in your backpack and threw it away."

I went on a tirade demanding her to pay me for it. Finally throwing the door shut in her face and proceed to blast Tool for the rest of the day. I took the garbage out later that night and what is that sitting on top of the garbage?? My pipe in all it's glory. A little gunky, but hey I smoked out of worst.
Now here why's I`m posting this looking for a new piece. After having the pipe for 7 years, it endured the worst and best parts of my life. Always giving enjoyment and possible even getting me laid a few times.

I was cleaning out the bowl with a pocket knife, when somehow I broke the inner bowl.

So after all the drops and hits this thing takes, I end up breaking it with a knife cleaning it!?!

The pipe is fine besides there is only half a bowl now. It's still smokeable, but I've been using tinfoil over the bowl. And how ghetto and embarrising is that.
Is this story strikes a chord with you. I`d be honored to recieve one of your glass pieces. Know I will treasure it not just as a way to get me high, but as fine glass art. And after each toke I will hold the piece up to honor you