Important help


Hey i got a lil dilemma with my 1 kings kush plant it seems to attract the spider mites more than ever about 3/4 of the plant has spider mites moving into the nugs and the hairs r mostly white. THE REASON I made this post is because the top cola's, the 1/4 of the plant left have nice plump nugs growing that are almost untouched by spider mites if I CUT the 3/4 of spider mites branches and leave the top COLA's will the plant be OKAY? like i said most hairs are white but there r some orange ones hear and there about 20% 80%


Well-Known Member
Hey i got a lil dilemma with my 1 kings kush plant it seems to attract the spider mites more than ever about 3/4 of the plant has spider mites moving into the nugs and the hairs r mostly white. THE REASON I made this post is because the top cola's, the 1/4 of the plant left have nice plump nugs growing that are almost untouched by spider mites if I CUT the 3/4 of spider mites branches and leave the top COLA's will the plant be OKAY? like i said most hairs are white but there r some orange ones hear and there about 20% 80%
I would not cut those branches because you might cause some serious shock to your baby. Finish out your cycle and then make sure to either bleach your room or use a pyrithium bomb.


Bleaching my room wont take away the spider's that are already moving into my nugs, ya feel. But ive Heard of washer down the nugs I might do that, but idk


@charface its not horrible to the naked eye but if you get close and see the movement and small webs its dissapointing but how is wet weed if its dried right?


Well-Known Member
I think you are asking can you spray the mites and be ok?
If so and its only 1 plant mighty wash would be 100% safe and effective just follow the directions.
I have used it and it does work. No chemicals in it and for 1 plant the cost will not hurt.

on the other hand its your call and I`m sure we have all smoked mites.
But if you have a ways to go before harvest I predict they start to really tax your plant
and if temps get right they breed like really horney pot eating bugs?


I think you are asking can you spray the mites and be ok?
If so and its only 1 plant mighty wash would be 100% safe and effective just follow the directions.
I have used it and it does work. No chemicals in it and for 1 plant the cost will not hurt.

on the other hand its your call and I`m sure we have all smoked mites.
But if you have a ways to go before harvest I predict they start to really tax your plant
and if temps get right they breed like really horney pot eating bugs?
MIghty Wash hands down best product I have tried to get rid of spider mites in late flowering.... i sprayed 3 weeks before harvest and managed to get them depopulated ....... its drinkable as a matter of fact I tested the ppm and its like 120..... anything that low in that amount might be safe ;p once.... its 98.7% water and 1.3% inert ingredients it claims... very vague ...... lets hope its not cancer in a bottle lololol

its electricly charged water? don't quote me .... that zaps them and their eggs ... tho a triple treatment over 2 weeks may be required....


Active Member
Hey i got a lil dilemma with my 1 kings kush plant it seems to attract the spider mites more than ever about 3/4 of the plant has spider mites moving into the nugs and the hairs r mostly white. THE REASON I made this post is because the top cola's, the 1/4 of the plant left have nice plump nugs growing that are almost untouched by spider mites if I CUT the 3/4 of spider mites branches and leave the top COLA's will the plant be OKAY? like i said most hairs are white but there r some orange ones hear and there about 20% 80%
I WRITE THIS BECAUSE I HAVE DONE THIS AND IT WILL CAUSE NO HARM TO ANYTHING; PLANT, PEOPLE, OR ANYTHING... IT IS ALSO, ALMOST 100% ORGANIC! It will add a bit of flavor and scent but both will diminish rapidly and if you cure the buds, you'll not be disappointed. I personally have had to do this, and by the time we finished curing the buds (1 lb.), I could barely tell its' presence. No one else could either. The big thing is that 1) it won't hurt her; she'll actually like it and 2) it won't hurt you. I use this as a routine maintenance spray. Once you have spider mites, you'll become a pro and never get them again.
Right now, I mean right now, go to the grocery store and buy 4-5 Habanero peppers. They cost about $0.25 each. Orange, golf ball sized or smaller. Shaped kind of like an acorn without the rim. Anyway...
Mix up this way. Cut up the peppers as tiny as you can. The more you do, the more surface area, the more Capascisian (sp?) you'll get. It's the chemical we're after. Put these in about 12-16 ozs. of the cleanest water you can get. Spring for distilled water at the store ($4-5.00?) if you can, filtered is just fine too. NEXT is 2-3 cloves of garlic, cut up the same way. This will need about 12-16 ozs. of water too. Almost lastly, 3-4 gm. of tobacco. That is eq. to 3-4 cigarettes. This goes into, you guessed it, 12 ozs of water. If you can get tobacco from a friend that rolls their own, it is superior as it doesn't contain additives, etc. All told, you have about 36 ounces of water boiling.
Now IN THREE SEPARATE SAUCE PANS OR EQ. you have 12 ozs. of water in each. Bring them all to a boil. Once they are boiling turn the heat OFF, and then add each single ingredient. You want the chemistry to come out of the vegetation without causing a reaction (thus also the separate pans) and boiling is a no-no. Let this all get cool to the touch. You can finish the last step and go and spray, or heat it up, then cool down again. This should add a %'age more but it might be negligible. I never analyzed and always do...
blend the three liquids after straining out the solids. Add enough water to make a total of 64 ounces. ALSO, add 3-4 drops of the cleanest dish soap you can get. Ivory is good but don't fret if all the house has is Dawn. Additionally but not mandatory, I add +/- (to taste, no kidding!)15 mL of peppermint like for cooking. The alcohol won't do harm. LASTLY, I add another 15 mL of good Olive Oil. SHAKE IT VIGOROUSLY AND ALSO WHEN USING. Put is sprayer and get to it.
Should adequately cover a medium (40-50 plants) garden their initial spray. If its' one plant, you'll have enough for years to come. No really, keep left over in refrigerator. You can also take the combined liquid and split into 1/4, 1/2, etc. adding the appropriate amount of water later, keeping it more effective and saves space in the container.
You have to spray every direction at the plant up, down side to side and every angle between. If you miss spots, you'll surly have eggs that continue on. If you have webs, you have a lot of mites already. probably need to clean room it when this is over..., sorry. Search on here for a LOT MORE information. Read on how and where and how often the spaying should be. i don't know all your info. but hope this helps.
I too wouldn't have cut those branches. Any vigor left in them, oh so vital now especially, is lost. Your baby will probably slow down if not screech to a halt. The "hairs" or pistils are changing color due to their death, being they are no longer able to collect the pollen from a male and have died . Color has nothing to do with potency although most of the odd colored pistils seem to coincide with stronger, more erotic strains. I'd keep a careful watch on the cola. It can change more quickly now and depending on how much Amber you want, you might miss a choice point to harvest.
SO, THE PURPOSE OF THIS WAS TO OFFER YOU A FAST, ALMOST INSTANT REMEDY THAT YOU CAN EASILY DO AND IT DOESN'T COST TOO MUCH. Be careful handling the peppers and the final spray. It is hot and will really hurt your eyes. As it is, you'll taste it if not for a mask (recommended), and no spraying in the wind!
Best of luck to you, sfttailpaul


Active Member
I think you are asking can you spray the mites and be ok?
If so and its only 1 plant mighty wash would be 100% safe and effective just follow the directions.
I have used it and it does work. No chemicals in it and for 1 plant the cost will not hurt.

on the other hand its your call and I`m sure we have all smoked mites.
But if you have a ways to go before harvest I predict they start to really tax your plant
and if temps get right they breed like really horney pot eating bugs?
I like smoking mites. i have a pouch full of them and top off a bowl like fine hash...
Sorry I couldn't resist; trying to be funny for some reason. Smoked some unknown tonight; maybe it has mites causing me to have the need to try to be funny. IDK...
Seriously, i appologize, I shouldn't make light of the situation. Totally a true and MF'ing bummer. I will say prayers for the success...


This is my first time growing and my wife brought those dirty mites in from her garden.I just sprayed with Mighty Wash and will spray again in a few days.The mites havent been in there but a week or so and and only really saw it on one of my 3 big plants and didnt see any on my 16 in sea of green.I heard that lady bugs could probably handle an infestation this small.Im a rookie so any feedback would be helpful.Glad to be a part of the roll it up community and look forward to growing fantabulous dank:)