Importance of CO2


Active Member
I would like to ask if anyone can tell me exactly how important is CO2. I read in other posts that people who grow outdoors need not worry about CO2 as plants will get plenty. So if my grow room is able to suck ( with a fan ) fresh air directly, do I need to supplement with additional CO2? My room is 10X10 with 12foot ceiling, and has a door to the outside which I leave cracked and have a fan placed at crack of door to draw air. Please help a newb out.


Well-Known Member
I would like to ask if anyone can tell me exactly how important is CO2. I read in other posts that people who grow outdoors need not worry about CO2 as plants will get plenty. So if my grow room is able to suck ( with a fan ) fresh air directly, do I need to supplement with additional CO2? My room is 10X10 with 12foot ceiling, and has a door to the outside which I leave cracked and have a fan placed at crack of door to draw air. Please help a newb out.
Fresh air is enough, but you can add more with lots of various ways

as long as you have freh air comming in your ok

as to the importance,,,plants can't live without it


You would have much better results if you added supplemental co2. Today the amount of co2 in the air is generally around 300ppm. At one point in time natural co2 levels neared 1500ppm. Adding co2 into your grow room would probably be the best solution and you would undoubtedly see good results. Just my two cents.



Active Member
I have been occasionally giving them massive doses of CO2, by placing a gallon jar among my babies and filling with hot water and dry ice. With fan off, I can barely see the very tops poking out of the fog LOL. I was just concerned that with all the talk of Co2 generators and such, that perhaps they needed more than was available in just fresh air for them to get really good.


Well-Known Member
Only reason people like myself use co2 is to max out their yields, and finish earlier.

Its not required unless you have extremely high temps, or bad ventilation.

It does make a difference, but it costs alot to get it together.

Co2 bottle, regulator/flow meter, automatic co2 controllers yada yada...

The initial investment can be over $500.00 if your doing it right.

But once your all setup, the cost to refill a co2 bottle is a 20 dollar bill.

I would wait until your all dialed in, and really know whats up before advancing to co2.

Keep the osciallting fans going, open doors and research like a motherfucker.

If you dont do your homework, you'll never succeed.

Wishing you the best my friend, CG :)