Implementing your advice: Am I doing it right?


Active Member
Alright, I heard the masses and I'm on it. I'm switching my DWC to RO. I've purchased Cal/Mag supplement, a EC meter and a fungicide like hydro guard (from Southern Ag, I believe). The Cal/Mag and meter are arriving today and I'm planning on switching my girl over tonight.

My plant is a 30 day (or so) auto, currently in hard water with General Hydroponics trio as my nutrients. She's showing signs of nute burn/deficiencies.

A couple of questions before I begin:

1- Should I do a flush before switching? And, well, how would I do that if so?

2- What should my EC goals be? How does reaching them work? Do I measure my RO water beforehand, add in Cal/Mag and supplements and then test EC along with PH? Am I trying to meet a precise number or stay within a range?

3- My hydroguard stuff isn't arriving for a few days. Would I be OK to add it in once it arrives or will I need to change my reservoir at that point?

I think that's all at this point. I tested my RO water and was really shocked to find that the PH was close to 5.7! I've been working really hard to pull the PH down with my well water for this entire grow.. struggling to get it in the right range and my RO water is there from the start. Not sure how I feel about drinking the stuff now, but it might make my PH struggles go away for my grow!

Thanks in advance for any advice and thanks to all who offered me advice in my last post. I'm eager to see how my plant responds!
I’m so confused by the first sentence “transferring my girl tonight “ transferring from what and to what

You said it’s an autoflower. If so leave it the fuck alone. Especially if you have already messed up the nutes
I’m so confused by the first sentence “transferring my girl tonight “ transferring from what and to what

You said it’s an autoflower. If so leave it the fuck alone. Especially if you have already messed up the nutes
Sorry for the confusion! Switching to RO water from the hard water I was using and also beginning to measure EC, rather than just following a formula with the hard well water.
1. flush depends on if they are nute burned or nute locked
2. EC goal for me is to have it dropping slightly each day which proves they are eating
3. add the GFF right to the res when you get it. 1mL per 10gals is a decent starting pt
I’m so confused by the first sentence “transferring my girl tonight “ transferring from what and to what

You said it’s an autoflower. If so leave it the fuck alone. Especially if you have already messed up the nutes
Haha great advice there, dick. Keep your mouth shut if you can't contribute.
1. If your running a dwc just dump some RO in there and leave it for a hour or two. Drain. Flush done. If you need it.
2. You need to monitor your EC/PPM like RKY said. Start at something like 300ppm on the .5 scale. If ppm goes up each night, take it to 250. If ppm goes down take it to 350 until you get fairly stable. A nightly drop of around 10-30ppm is good. If your ppm is dropping each night and your water level is dropping each night, add nutrient solution at the same strength you are using to top it off. Remember on a .5 scale 50ppm = .1EC.
3. Add your SAG fungicide right away but keep a damn good eye on your roots and airstones. If you see any kind of slime I would highly recommend using an EWC tea. I personally swear by it. If you google the term "EWC Tea DWC" you will find the right direction. Again, highly recommend brewing a tea. It did me right every time. Good luck.
1. If your running a dwc just dump some RO in there and leave it for a hour or two. Drain. Flush done. If you need it.
2. You need to monitor your EC/PPM like RKY said. Start at something like 300ppm on the .5 scale. If ppm goes up each night, take it to 250. If ppm goes down take it to 350 until you get fairly stable. A nightly drop of around 10-30ppm is good. If your ppm is dropping each night and your water level is dropping each night, add nutrient solution at the same strength you are using to top it off. Remember on a .5 scale 50ppm = .1EC.
3. Add your SAG fungicide right away but keep a damn good eye on your roots and airstones. If you see any kind of slime I would highly recommend using an EWC tea. I personally swear by it. If you google the term "EWC Tea DWC" you will find the right direction. Again, highly recommend brewing a tea. It did me right every time. Good luck.
This is great! Thank you so much! I'm going to screenshot it for later. I was wondering what kind of EC drop I should expect from day to day. So far my roots look great.. so, I've got one thing going right!
Thank you again!
Keep an eye on your roots, meaning check them everyday. If you see any kind of white slime or brown shit you will need to act accordingly.
The way your water smells will tell the tale. If you so much as smell a hint of swamp or socks you have some shit a' brewin.
First thing you should do when you check your plant is pull that lid up and take a nice big "whiff" of your res. You will learn what smells right and what smells wrong. LOL this applies to other things in life too hahah JK.
What kind of EC/PPM meter are you using? If you can spend some bucks on one thing, get a decent meter. That way checking your ppm and ph doesnt have to be a pain in the ass, meaning you will be more inclined to do it.
Good luck and keep us posted!
Post up your EC readings and what they are doing day by day. We can give you some solid advice based off those numbers.