Impeachment Anyone

"Does it hurt that much to admit you're wrong? Unfuckingbelievable!!"

I'll make a deal with you, Med ... I'll admit I'm wrong, if everytime you cannot prove your assertions, you admit that you have just spewed off with some bullshit, just to spew off some bullshit, OK?

Now, YES I MADE A MISTAKE. I confused the numbers of federal employees with the percentage of taxes taken by government at all levels ... and that's about 50% of everything a wage slave makes in this country. So ... I AM SORRY for making that mistake.

Now then ... you keep your end of the bargain, OK?

YES I MADE A MISTAKE. This will go down in history! Look I probably make mistakes all the time, for Judas sake, I'm far from perfect. The deal is, I believe a completely different way of looking at how life should be followed by everyone, a peaceful "Cumbaya" type with everyone getting along and everyone with a horn of plenty for their familys. Whereas you think exactly opposite. Let the individual have free reign and if you can't compete then too bad. This comes from the High School football Philosophy. Kick ass or get your ass kicked. This is where the American society has it wrong. We should be about helping one another instead of kicking each others asses. If you are the Christian you profess, then this should be readily apparent, and what pisses me off about you is the Hypocritical view you as a "Christian" have about wealth. Wealth, by Christian values, should be shared. Wealth should not be an entity unto itself, but a means to an end, the end being that everyone has enough food, shelter and sustanance to live comfortably. You blame the government for most of your woes. The government by all standards is supposed to be us. The government is not supposed to be run by wealthy merchants and corporations as it is now, but by the people. You fail to agree with this and from what I can gather from your posts, you think the government should just dissapear and let the Golden rule kick in. (those with the gold rule) I cannot stand by and let this hypocritical nonsense prevail. I am the people and I hold you and all rich people to account for the poverty and mistreatment of the poor! Jesus said "the way you treat the least of you is the way you treat me" And I know that Jesus would be pissed if he knew you were calling yourself a Christian, and calling for less of a burden on yourself for the downtrodden. I agree the taxes that go towards War and profiteering are a blight on the earth, but the taxes that help the less fortunate are a blessing. This view is the absolute core of our disagreements!
OK, I'm game Med ... Jesus said that it is easier to get a camel through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to attain Heaven. So ... you go first. Sell your home in Las Vegas, sell that junk car in your garage, give all your money and worldly possessions away to the poor ... then come and talk to me.

OK, I'm game Med ... Jesus said that it is easier to get a camel through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to attain Heaven. So ... you go first. Sell your home in Las Vegas, sell that junk car in your garage, give all your money and worldly possessions away to the poor ... then come and talk to me.

You think you are a comedian don't you? I of course would not do that as not only do I have me, but unlike you, I have six other people to keep sheltered and fed. What good would a couple a hundred k do to eliminate poverty. It would only add 6 persons to the long list of homeless. Now if you have a couple hundred K just lying in a bank or stock account collecting 4%, cough it up. It would help some and you would still be solvent, hell you probably wouldn't even miss that much. And BTW, That car in my garage is nowhere near Junk. Every part on it is new and better than 99% of the new cars parts out there. Just because you have no motor (hand-eye) skills, you needent rank on mine. Gosh, you have sales skills whoopee, another sleazeball salesman! So you shouldn't lower yourself to ranking on my car, it does you no justice! I know of the salesmans ego. I worked with the best tire salesmen in Vegas. They would strut around after a sale bragging about how smart they were and how dumb the mark was, so believe me, you don't impress me. Salesmen are all the same. Ego fucking maniacs that think they are superior to all! Bullshit. Predators all!
"I of course would not do that as not only do I have me, but unlike you, I have six other people to keep sheltered and fed."

But ... But ... But, Med ... Personal attacks aside, where's your compassion for the homeless and the poor? After all ... as you Communists proudly say: "If one life is saved, it is worth it." So, give up your equity, sell the teenie-bopper car in the garage and give it all away to the poor. Come on ... you lead the way and surely others will follow.

"I of course would not do that as not only do I have me, but unlike you, I have six other people to keep sheltered and fed."

But ... But ... But, Med ... Personal attacks aside, where's your compassion for the homeless and the poor? After all ... as you Communists proudly say: "If one life is saved, it is worth it." So, give up your equity, sell the teenie-bopper car in the garage and give it all away to the poor. Come on ... you lead the way and surely others will follow.

Get over it, I'm not selling anything. Find another route to attack me . This is a dead issue. Take a little of your excess money and donate in my name, that would do more good than me selling out. I never advocated the average joe selling his meager existence to help the poor, that would only add to the poor. Are you daft, I advocate rich dicks to lighten their Excessive wealth and help the less fortunate. Us middle class are struggling like Jesus to stay afloat as it is! I give up, Just keep your fucking money and don't bug me any more, I know what I know and you don't influence me in the least. A Dickhead is always going to be a Dickhead, I learned that in High school, I should know better than to argue with one!
"Just keep your fucking money and don't bug me any more, I know what I know and you don't influence me in the least. A Dickhead is always going to be a Dickhead, I learned that in High school, I should know better than to argue with one!"

Now THERE'S an example of an open mind! *lol*

Hey Med ... I checked the temperatures in Las Vegas ... Geeze, the lows are in the 30s. It must be really cold for all those homeless people sleeping behind the bars off the Strip. Now, I'm sure in that cold weather, you probably have a couple of blankets on your bed, and perhaps a down comforter as well. How about taking one of your blankets downtown and handing it over to one of the ones less fortunate than you? Come on ... you're into "comfort" redistrubution, right? Lead the way, Med ... maybe you'll invent a new economic theory. You could call it "The Trickle UP" theory.

Now THERE'S an example of an open mind! *lol*
Gee thanks, I never thought you'd notice. How about you stick to your charity work and I'll stick to mine eh big boy. I don't bug you about your charity, so fuck off!
"Gee thanks, I never thought you'd notice. How about you stick to your charity work and I'll stick to mine eh big boy. I don't bug you about your charity, so fuck off!"

So then, I take it that you really don't have any intention of "leveling the playing field" by giving some of your warm blankets to help the less forutnate, eh? How sad, Med ... after all, you have won more in "life's lottery" than those cold homeless people sleeping behind the bars less than five miles from your toasty home. You are a typical progressive slut. "Don't take mine ... just let me feel better about myself, by taking someone else's blankets." Bah!

"Gee thanks, I never thought you'd notice. How about you stick to your charity work and I'll stick to mine eh big boy. I don't bug you about your charity, so fuck off!"

So then, I take it that you really don't have any intention of "leveling the playing field" by giving some of your warm blankets to help the less forutnate, eh? How sad, Med ... after all, you have won more in "life's lottery" than those cold homeless people sleeping behind the bars less than five miles from your toasty home. You are a typical progressive slut. "Don't take mine ... just let me feel better about myself, by taking someone else's blankets." Bah!

I'll say it one more time, Fuck the government and its programs here's the deal Everything I have left over after a 500k appraisel of my net worth I'll give to a charity of your choice, believe it or not I might just have some. You do the same and then my friend we'll see who is the biggest giver. My money is on you!
I'll say it one more time, Fuck the government and its programs here's the deal Everything I have left over after a 500k appraisel of my net worth I'll give to a charity of your choice, believe it or not I might just have some. You do the same and then my friend we'll see who is the biggest giver. My money is on you!

So, you're perfectly willing to sit in your toasty-warm home with all that equity around you, eh? How much equity is in a cardboard box? The "fair" thing to do is to "level the playing field," right? Cash in that equity and share the wealth, Med ... come on, put yer money where your mouth is. That half-frozen alcoholic is waiting for your charity.

So, you're perfectly willing to sit in your toasty-warm home with all that equity around you, eh? How much equity is in a cardboard box? The "fair" thing to do is to "level the playing field," right? Cash in that equity and share the wealth, Med ... come on, put yer money where your mouth is. That half-frozen alcoholic is waiting for your charity.

Already made you the offer, seems you have refused, which one of us is stingiest?
Hey ... I gave you MY list of what I do for charity ... where's your's?

don't do lists! Only a braggart would go on a public site and profess his generosity, I believe if you ever get around to reading your Bible it expresses this view offered up by Jesus! I give to this and I give to that and Blah, Blah, Blah! I give what I can and don't brag to others about it. only me and My maker knows, and of course the recipients.
Med ...

Have you ever considered how really fucked up you are when it comes to rational discussion? YOU ... YOU ... YOU asked for the list, I answered you at YOUR request. That's not bragging ... its just answering a question. Now, here's the question for you ... What are you doing to make the world a better place in which to live ... besides keeping the couch warm and shining that hot-rod of your's?

Med ...

Have you ever considered how really fucked up you are when it comes to rational discussion? YOU ... YOU ... YOU asked for the list, I answered you at YOUR request. That's not bragging ... its just answering a question. Now, here's the question for you ... What are you doing to make the world a better place in which to live ... besides keeping the couch warm and shining that hot-rod of your's?

Raising Arizona (2 Grandkids) Providing a shelter for my family, Providing a shelter for some less fortunate renters that only pay some of the time, other than that I'm pretty much a loser as you would say, I do what I can, but I'm not in the bragging business and don't feel I owe you anything. I guess you wouldn't know, but taking care of a 4 and 6 year old is full time work, It's a good thing I don't have a Job or I don't know what would happen to my little sweethearts! BTW it's not the couch, but a heated and vibrated recliner! and I do a few chores around the house, and go to the gym when I can. There, now you have my life story, pretty boring eh, If I reap a windfall fortune, I'll expand my charity work to suit your tastes, otherwise I'm pretty occupied just being me!
No Med ... I just couldn't bear the thought of being comfy in my vibrating, heated chair as long at there are others out there haven't haven't been as lucky as I have in "Life's Lottery." Naw, only you compassionate liberals can sit in the comfort of your toasty home feeling good about yourselves because you have supported legislation that takes from one and gives to another ... as long as the one being taken from isn't you!


PS: Don't blame me for the above post ... I got the idea from Barbara Striesand. I remember her saying that the "little people" should get rid of their SUVs to improve the environment. If I remember correctly, she said that just before she got into her private jet to fly off to Paris for a quick lunch.
you have supported legislation that takes from one and gives to another ... as long as the one being taken from isn't you!

Amen brother! take from the rich and give to the poor, the old Robin Hood syndrome!