impatient dummy needs help


So i was outnof my stash and i guess i was being a fiend so my dumb ass decided it would be a good idea to clip the top of a bud abot a half inch off the top of my plant. It been flowering for about 6 weeks and i cut it dow to the next set ofnleaves this was stupid I know. But do you think she will be ok? I know i shoulda picked and sampled from the bottom after i did research. Also if there is anything I can do to help it along. She still look pretty good so far. And will Nutes help i have Shultz 10-15-10 Plant Food Plus. Also i have Alaskin Fish Fertilizer it says it wont burn 5-1-1, use on all indoor and outdoor plants, all purpose deoderized fish emulison.after i did research.


Active Member
What do you think she'll die because you cut some off of her?You say she looks good so she doesn't have a problem so what do you want us to say!


Active Member
Well she won't die but she will have to repair and while she's focusing on repair it will slow down bud production. Be careful how you treat the ladies, some are more finicky than others but a plant can go hermie if pushed...


What do you think she'll die because you cut some off of her?You say she looks good so she doesn't have a problem so what do you want us to say!
just want someone who has maybe did this before and also some reassurance tht shell b ok. I just clipped her last night so i wasnt sure and also the nutes I have do u think they are ok?


Well-Known Member
It will be fine,just sample from the bottom you fiend next time.THE FE is good stuff used for many yrs stinks to all getout even the New that has wintergreen oil in it.


Well-Known Member
I take samples .. but as you said .. from the bottom grow ..

nutriens wont help it .. only thing you can do it let it be and hope for the best .. dont take anymore "samples" or do anything to put more stress on her .. just let it finish .. Im sure she will be ok and you wont notice ..


Well-Known Member
So i was outnof my stash and i guess i was being a fiend so my dumb ass decided it would be a good idea to clip the top of a bud abot a half inch off the top of my plant. It been flowering for about 6 weeks and i cut it dow to the next set ofnleaves this was stupid I know. But do you think she will be ok? I know i shoulda picked and sampled from the bottom after i did research. Also if there is anything I can do to help it along. She still look pretty good so far. And will Nutes help i have Shultz 10-15-10 Plant Food Plus. Also i have Alaskin Fish Fertilizer it says it wont burn 5-1-1, use on all indoor and outdoor plants, all purpose deoderized fish emulison.after i did research.
Don't worry I'm sure most if not all of us have done this at some point. I know I have. She will heal up and you should be fine.