Impact of training/topping on yield?


Hello all, first time grower curious about the difference in overall yield when comparing plants that have been trained to plants that have not. Would a shorter bushier plant produce more weight than a plant that’s much taller and untrained? I’m sure the quality of buds would be much denser on the trained plant. Asking for next time as my current plant stands about 2.5 feet tall and is untrained or topped, and after 4 weeks of flower I fear my yield will be half an ounce at best.


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Train plants indoors. Lots of factors go into growing for yeild. More intense the lights the less training you need to do.

Low lumens lights need to have alot of tops with an even with canopy to get best yeilds out of plants.

Leaving plants go naturally is best outdoors or with Large HID lights, where light can penetrate deeper I to canopy of plant.

Its good you got to see one naturally now you have a good idea of how it grows without training so when you do decide to train em , you'll see the difference! ;)
Hello all, first time grower curious about the difference in overall yield when comparing plants that have been trained to plants that have not. Would a shorter bushier plant produce more weight than a plant that’s much taller and untrained? I’m sure the quality of buds would be much denser on the trained plant. Asking for next time as my current plant stands about 2.5 feet tall and is untrained or topped, and after 4 weeks of flower I fear my yield will be half an ounce at best.

Absolutely a trained topped plant that’s short and squat will produce more than a non topped, single main cola that’s tall and unmanaged
Or you can just grow them big...
Lots of light + big plants = big harvest.
There are a few ways Nuggbuckets or nebula haze are two, put mainlining or manifold on the search engine above, there are tutorials online, don't do what I did overthink things.
There are people who suggest topping hurts the plant. As long as light is a non issue, what is the point of cutting your plants head off. The point where the most growth hormones are found.
I think you'll find that among people who have grown for many years, who tried every method under the sun, that you'll find a consensus that topping increases yields. Time spent in veg is the biggest factor, and when you top a plant, you will need to spend extra time in veg for it to recover and change it's growth pattern. But even factoring in that extra week or so, nothing increased my yields as much as topping/training for 8 or more main colas. Topping and training takes better advantage of your space and your light. Definitely look up a guide on mainlining because it gives you the most control over your canopy shape and bud sites.
There are people who suggest topping hurts the plant. As long as light is a non issue, what is the point of cutting your plants head off. The point where the most growth hormones are found.
There are people who suggest topping hurts the plant. As long as light is a non issue, what is the point of cutting your plants head off. The point where the most growth hormones are found.
I have been topping and training plants since 1997. 100% it works every time in every strain I’ve grown, which is 100’s. Do it for yourself and see 90% of the info you get on forums is unbelievably bad information.
I have been topping and training plants since 1997. 100% it works every time in every strain I’ve grown, which is 100’s. Do it for yourself and see 90% of the info you get on forums is unbelievably bad information.

The quote I posted was from a guest on kis organics podcast which is typically very science based. I'll try and dig it up but I cant remember exactly what episode.

I top and train every plant out of learned habit and I've grown many many plants and I cant say for sure given proper lighting, one is better. Now if you have lights that cant give you the deep penetration required, then a top or train may make sense.

I'm not trying to say one way or the other, just trying to play devils advocate.

So as far as this goes, you're potentially in the 90%. Lol just playin
I have been topping and training plants since 1997. 100% it works every time in every strain I’ve grown, which is 100’s. Do it for yourself and see 90% of the info you get on forums is unbelievably bad information.

Heck, a simple search on these forums show most people agree with me as far as I can tell. Including side by sides.

I mean really how can you increase yield by cutting it. Just say that to yourself, it makes no sense.

Topping is a great tool if you are lacking height or light, other than that, leave them alone lol.
Heck, a simple search on these forums show most people agree with me as far as I can tell. Including side by sides.

I mean really how can you increase yield by cutting it. Just say that to yourself, it makes no sense.

Topping is a great tool if you are lacking height or light, other than that, leave them alone lol.
Outside I top close to 50 times and I grow 4-5 pound plants. Topping and training is the only way to go and I have grown thousands of plants over the past 25 years, I use different techniques outdoors and indoors. an untouched plant will not produce anywhere near a properly trained topped plant , its not even close.
I would do a comparison with the same pheno and substrates but I already know from
Heck, a simple search on these forums show most people agree with me as far as I can tell. Including side by sides.

I mean really how can you increase yield by cutting it. Just say that to yourself, it makes no sense.

Topping is a great tool if you are lacking height or light, other than that, leave them alone lol.
Your redistributing hormones to lateral branches so instead of 1 big cola that’s mold susceptible you get 8 medium size colas that aren’t mold susceptible and aren’t going to have to be cut down anyways, big nugs when broken down don’t look as good as medium size nugs which don’t really need to be broken down before you put them in your packs. If your not topping you are hurting your yields and risking a higher chance of mold.
The only reason I would modify a plants natural growth pattern is to adapt it to it's environment.
I used to top plants because of height restrictions & thinking that 2 colas are better than 1.
They're not.
They will be smaller than 1 large main cola, plus each time you top a plant it adds at least a week to your finish time.
So now, I just let the plant grow, use tie downs to control height, & let them do they're thing.
I have a lot of area though, so that might make a difference.

If that was the case I’d still be flowering right now. Topping doesn’t add any additional time whatsoever. Your quality looks nice but an ounce per plant doesn’t cut it for me