• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Immigration will eventually destroy the United States


Well-Known Member
marx was right, 200 years have passed, and some of mankind is ready for socialism (f.e the nordic nations, highest standard of living on earth)

the problem is, too many with brains, dont have a heart and too many with a heart dont have a brain.and quite alot of people dont have either.

but that is changing, mankind is evolving. last 200 years have been amazing. our combined knowledge is jumping us forward and with every day we get more connected and our combined knowledge increases and takes jumps, for the first time in history, people all over the world are talking together on a daily basis. working together.

the world is one, the only thing keeping it back from being a complete reality, are those that dream of power.

but those dreams are on the surface, relics,dying dinasaurs. the lines are just drawn there with crayon and kept up by the childish fools dreaming their childish fools dream.

the world has enough resources for us all and we have capability to expand our resources as well.

the only thing keeping us back, are dreams of greed.

but those dreams are dying out as the people creating them and experiencing them are finding out these dreams are nightmares as are the ones of power.

they make you alone and kill the world.

no one wants to live a nightmare, thats why the world is always getting better, though sometimes slowely, sometimes with a leap.

the future as of now, will be better, thats sure. the only question is how bumpy the road.

as with how many children people have, that number has gone down drastically in all nations that are connected to the informationnet, the more connected, the less children.

the nations are balancing out.

people allover the world are helping to make a better world.

even governments have begun to help, some nations give 0.7 percent of all their income, to help other unfortunate nations.

all of these things were impossiblish 50 years ago, just a dream.

look at were we are now and where we were before
and then imagine

what the future will be like.


Well-Known Member
marx was right, 200 years have passed, and some of mankind is ready for socialism.....
the marxist ideal of communal control through socialism is a trap that even he realized was just another path to slavery. it is a rather simple truth that only an open yet insular society, homogeneous and with a common goal, can succeed under the tight reins of state control. diversity is the enemy of the successful socialist state, as it is the enemy of communal life. if the people are not of a like mind, consensus cannot be reached and distrust, discord and unrest ensue. socialism is well suited to a series of independent city/states, but the dreams of the powerful never end at the city limits. the dreams of the powerful coupled with the violent power of the state forge empires. the power of the state insists on expanding and encompassing all within its ever growing grasp. with that expansion comes diversity, then the inevitable distrust, discord and unrest. the answer is always tighter controls and harsher restrictions, until the totalitarian state is born.

the grand soviet dream of the global socialist state contains within it the seeds of its own destruction. the grand liberal american dream of the global democratic state is likewise doomed. both demand that homogeneous society that is an impossibility. such consistency can only be gained through force, the coercion toward a mediocrity that all can attain. there will always be those who excel and those who fail. there will always be those who are willing to be led and those who feel they must rebel against the status quo. there will always be those who are satisfied to live a life of drudgery, those who refuse even that effort and those who strive to gain more than their neighbors. each man, woman and child is an individual and the state cannot be all things to all people, no matter what the ideologues may claim. that portion of humanity that is ready for socialism is that easily led herd, those willing to play the follower and satisfied with what they are allowed. they are legion, they are the cannon fodder, they are the busily buzzing hive. they eagerly await that secular anti-christ, whether single man or appointed panel, because their lot will only be guaranteed and they are happy with that. it is the exceptional ones, the individualists and the lovers of true freedom that resist the yoke authoritarian rule. the rest will only rebel once they have realized all that they have lost and by then it will be too late.

how many times have we heard small minds rail against the greed of the world? they point first to a starving child, then to some shining mansion on the hill and then they rail against the unfairness of it all. they blame the death of that child on some stereotypical image of avarice and claim that greed is the cause of all our ills. could the rich man have saved that dying child? probably. could a man of limited means and good intent have saved him? probably, but he was too concerned with forcing the rich man to see the error of his ways. this is the true downfall of humanity, that we believe men can be forced to change. the greed, the jealousy and even the hatred of men soon come to naught without the power over others to bring their plans to fruition. it is the state that provides that power, if left to its own devices. with the growth of the bureaucracy come the growth of the state's power and all that power merely waits for someone to come along and use it. do you really expect all the power contained in the state to be used to feed that starving child? do you really expect the denizens of the bureaucracy to act altruistically and use their power only in service to the people? these are mere men who gained their positions through some inner urge to power, a greed for the control over other men. the urge to socialism is the urge of the herd, to be controlled by masters and escape the responsibilities of free men.


Well-Known Member
First off, fuck "native americans" peace loving hippies my ass! Should have fought harder and had a better immune system! They did not come from america and came here just like the white man. Second, earth is not going to reach critical mass in the next 30 years (you are an idiot for even thinking that). Does anyone know how many millions upon millions of square miles of this planet have no humans living in it? Trust me when I say it's a lot! Another thing, I am really sick of white people stating they are native american and know the pain of their people (just because your great grandmother 10 generations back was cherokee don't mean shit). I really love the arrogance of people saying that other people shouldn't be let in because they think it's not fair or the system can't support all those people. Believe you me, if I was born in that shithole called Mexico I would hightail it to a better place in a heartbeat (if you were offended by me calling Mexico a shithole than move back and shut the fuck up)! The quicker you fucking morons learn it's not about America or any other country, it's about people, the world will be a better place. This is truly a global cummunity and we have no right making people jump through hoops to go to a different part of the planet! One last thing, all you dipshits who blame one political party or the other, do me a favor, put the barrel in your mouth and pull the trigger!


Ok im going attempt to lay some real information out there and make a reasonable unbias argument. The problem with getting rid of illegals is that for the most part they do the shit jobs no one wants and they flood the market with poorly educated labor force which ofcouse force legitimate business to compete. Now lets take away immigrants from the US all together and from the get go food prices would double, entire towns would loose 40+ % of the population, regional economies in the south and mid west would be hardest hit due to their high connectivity to the worlds food commodities supplies, specially whole grains. Thats the negative side of things basicly rampant inflation. Now for the good part we can have 2% unemployment rate literaly over night hospitals and schools would be 40% less crowded making your tax dollars go further by keeping taxes are they are the country could pull out of the deficit hole in a decade. After those ten years of current tax levels we could actually lower the taxes on americans by 30% across the board. So those are the two sides you choose buddy im fuckin wasted.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
First off, fuck "native americans" peace loving hippies my ass! Should have fought harder and had a better immune system! They did not come from america and came here just like the white man. Second, earth is not going to reach critical mass in the next 30 years (you are an idiot for even thinking that). Does anyone know how many millions upon millions of square miles of this planet have no humans living in it? Trust me when I say it's a lot! Another thing, I am really sick of white people stating they are native american and know the pain of their people (just because your great grandmother 10 generations back was cherokee don't mean shit). I really love the arrogance of people saying that other people shouldn't be let in because they think it's not fair or the system can't support all those people. Believe you me, if I was born in that shithole called Mexico I would hightail it to a better place in a heartbeat (if you were offended by me calling Mexico a shithole than move back and shut the fuck up)! The quicker you fucking morons learn it's not about America or any other country, it's about people, the world will be a better place. This is truly a global cummunity and we have no right making people jump through hoops to go to a different part of the planet! One last thing, all you dipshits who blame one political party or the other, do me a favor, put the barrel in your mouth and pull the trigger!
...I detect a slight THC deficiency in your system....might I recommend a bit more mellow in your discourse?


Well-Known Member
"being concerned with over-inflated and at times contradictory information concerning immigration is retarded.

the only real effect of immigration is that it makes the local population more diverse...."

You're woefully incorrect. Almost all of the population explosion in the United States over the last 30 years has been driven by immigrants and the offspring they produce. And it's explosive out-of-control population growth that is slowly destroying the United States: http://www.unintimidatedpress.com/imm.htm


Well-Known Member
We are a land of immigrants.

I kinda figure it will be the great divide between rich and poor that will destroy the USA.
Wealth is collecting in the top percents faster than at any previous time in our history from what I read and hear.
The larger the divide the less opportunity for the lower economic classes.
At some point a person will not get a job or housing unless they conform to rules laid down not by the Constitution of the USA but by the plutocracy of the World.
We are cattle on their ranch.

Rodart Cockburn

New Member
I never said I liked the people who used the socialism/communism facade to divulge their power, Marx never really did.

And to be clear Marx wrote about a classless-stateless society. People envision the state as being the sum of the people, so if the people control the state all will be good; but really the state itself, as you pointed out undertheice, is the manifestation of control measures. I suppose Marx was more a proponent of what you would call anarcho-communism.

And lets be honest, an anarcho-communism would be voluntary participation, and while adhearing to the locality of communal living the resources of the world are available to a well sized community.

And no, I no longer write long diatribes about the unjustice of it all, but rather am trying to be the change I want to see.



Well-Known Member
eventually Americas already been destroyed since the 1st people to migrate over came


Well-Known Member
loquaciuos wrote: "First off, fuck "native americans" peace loving hippies my ass! Should have fought harder and had a better immune system! They did not come from america and came here just like the white man. Second, earth is not going to reach critical mass in the next 30 years (you are an idiot for even thinking that). Does anyone know how many millions upon millions of square miles of this planet have no humans living in it? Trust me when I say it's a lot! Another thing, I am really sick of white people stating they are native american and know the pain of their people (just because your great grandmother 10 generations back was cherokee don't mean shit). I really love the arrogance of people saying that other people shouldn't be let in because they think it's not fair or the system can't support all those people. Believe you me, if I was born in that shithole called Mexico I would hightail it to a better place in a heartbeat (if you were offended by me calling Mexico a shithole than move back and shut the fuck up)! The quicker you fucking morons learn it's not about America or any other country, it's about people, the world will be a better place. This is truly a global cummunity and we have no right making people jump through hoops to go to a different part of the planet! One last thing, all you dipshits who blame one political party or the other, do me a favor, put the barrel in your mouth and pull the trigger! "

The United States is struggling to meet the needs of the people it has now (do you like $4.00 a gallon gas prices?). Explosive, out-of-control, population growth is slowly destroying the United States. But then, maybe you don't give a crap about the well being of the United States.


Well-Known Member
i think americans should take a lesson from mexicans and head to another country when their country is going to shit i kno im a try my best to get the fuck outta here


Well-Known Member
the majority of the US is struggling.

the money hungry pigs in politics and the top 5% of earners in america are doing fantastic. wonderful job security, record profits, undisclosed donations.... they're living the good life... better than they've had in the last 50 years as a matter of fact.....


Well-Known Member
were already fucked with or without all the immigration i give it about another year or two theres prolly going to be another great depression..im just going to keep smoking


Well-Known Member
VER D wrote: "i think americans should take a lesson from mexicans and head to another country when their country is going to shit "

The question is when is Mexico ever going to get its shit together? That country has been a basket case the last hundred years!

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Speaking of grassroots. I wonder what it would take to get a movement going for a million citizen march on Washington asking for the repeal of the tax cuts for the rich. Let's pull a Wisconsin on a national level :D