IMMA A NOOB. BUt you can help me become the best. Help please im really serious.

I'm trying to design my own set up versus buying one. I think im gonna start in a month or 2 i want to learn more shit. I know that checking the machine might be hard (Not so much if i know where i need to be on each on of the parameters set such as pH levels, nutrients, lighting wattage & times, humidity, and bugs and shit like that) and humidity is a bitch in Alabama. Spider mites could be a problem just off the top of my head. Mold comes with the humidity issues as well as harvest/curing the buds in a timely fashion. There have been a lot of good points on this thread. My boy funfab that one pipe set up ( yo & the dwc setups are gangsta, I seen this on 420 mags forum seems complicated, but i think i could knock it out. I'm glad i could see different belief structures especially on the Dirt vs Hydro (I think i am a dro-man guys) argument. I have been window shopping on They have a wide assortment of seeds from different dealers, I really like the variety. This shit is so overwhelming man i swear. Its a very interesting hobby ( more so a way of life). I think this is me lol. I have been thinking of starting with 20 plants (a 15 dro set-up and 5 dirt). I know it might seem kinda much for a noob, but i kick ass. I have a lot of time to dedicate to my babies growth.
Damn! I wonder if all this seething, venomous hatred seethes into these hater's crops. Go get laid, damn, even if it is with a fat chick. And smoke a spliff. Fabfun and fresh you guys are the shit! Fresh keep fighting that good "noob" fight fuck these pretentious a-holes
First ever homo sativa crop. You only get a anal high lol. Thanks guy for your support. Fresh is here to stay, So to all the people that hate me already i love you all. If you love to hate, hate me then its love.
I'm trying to design my own set up versus buying one. I think im gonna start in a month or 2 i want to learn more shit. I know that checking the machine might be hard (Not so much if i know where i need to be on each on of the parameters set such as pH levels, nutrients, lighting wattage & times, humidity, and bugs and shit like that) and humidity is a bitch in Alabama. Spider mites could be a problem just off the top of my head. Mold comes with the humidity issues as well as harvest/curing the buds in a timely fashion. There have been a lot of good points on this thread. My boy funfab that one pipe set up ( yo & the dwc setups are gangsta, I seen this on 420 mags forum seems complicated, but i think i could knock it out. I'm glad i could see different belief structures especially on the Dirt vs Hydro (I think i am a dro-man guys) argument. I have been window shopping on They have a wide assortment of seeds from different dealers, I really like the variety. This shit is so overwhelming man i swear. Its a very interesting hobby ( more so a way of life). I think this is me lol. I have been thinking of starting with 20 plants (a 15 dro set-up and 5 dirt). I know it might seem kinda much for a noob, but i kick ass. I have a lot of time to dedicate to my babies growth.
I think im gonna split the 20 with Sativa/Indica (Isn't indica a subspecies though) strains. Im going balls deeps funfab. If your from Roll Tide we should link up. Now with the seed issue it is way to much just to sit and look at. looks promising though.


Well-Known Member
probably the best advise you got was to start in soil or dwc..

especially if you have no experience in growing plants.

aero, is bit technical.. and yes, you should buy the best equipment,or if you have some technical skills and diy knowhow, build your own system (much cheaper)
since aero is bit fiddlydiddly and if it the system fails, plants will soon die.

the best way to learn to grow cannabis, is simply getting some seeds, plonking them down in wet soil, keeping the soil moist till it sprouts and put it under some lights and a fan.

then come and ask more questions, then when you have learned how to keep a plant happy, then you could "upgrade" your equipment.

well that or do dwc, just mentioned soil ,cause i have experience with that and its the most userfriendly, noobfriendly.

its a Long time hobby anyway, can relax, its gonna be 3-4 months between just the first seed sprouting and that first harvest and smoke (maybe longer for the smoke if you are a connoiseur and want a smooth savory smoke)

but,, you are probably gonna end up in aeroponics, since thats where the pull and interest is. so just start checking out aeroponic systems.

Any website will do, since cannabis is mostly the same in growing as Any other plant. same basics..

only differs in some details and sometimes whether a 12/12 system of light and dark to induce needed.

but as said earlier, you wont learn much from books and conversations..

sure , sure, learn alot and get some guidelines..

but then you grow a plant for the first time and kinda go just


totally different doing a thing versus reading about it..


Well-Known Member
maybe youve been a teacher too long vs being a student.

come up to a teacher and claim to be a noob and he takes you firmly in hand. happy to expand another mind :)

do that publicly (which is what student life is (to the extreme and beyond (compared to later "job" life))) and you will get yells of "idiot!" "nooob!" and whatnot :)

pointless to get riled up about it :)

anyways, have fun growing :)
probably the best advise you got was to start in soil or dwc..

especially if you have no experience in growing plants.

aero, is bit technical.. and yes, you should buy the best equipment,or if you have some technical skills and diy knowhow, build your own system (much cheaper)
since aero is bit fiddlydiddly and if it the system fails, plants will soon die.

the best way to learn to grow cannabis, is simply getting some seeds, plonking them down in wet soil, keeping the soil moist till it sprouts and put it under some lights and a fan.

then come and ask more questions, then when you have learned how to keep a plant happy, then you could "upgrade" your equipment.

well that or do dwc, just mentioned soil ,cause i have experience with that and its the most userfriendly, noobfriendly.

its a Long time hobby anyway, can relax, its gonna be 3-4 months between just the first seed sprouting and that first harvest and smoke (maybe longer for the smoke if you are a connoiseur and want a smooth savory smoke)

but,, you are probably gonna end up in aeroponics, since thats where the pull and interest is. so just start checking out aeroponic systems.

Any website will do, since cannabis is mostly the same in growing as Any other plant. same basics..

only differs in some details and sometimes whether a 12/12 system of light and dark to induce needed.

but as said earlier, you wont learn much from books and conversations..

sure , sure, learn alot and get some guidelines..

but then you grow a plant for the first time and kinda go just


totally different doing a thing versus reading about it..
Thats totally cool. I have a big bag of seeds already just to play with. I am so serious about this. Deep water culture is what im gonna be dealing with. I am gonna start with about 20 plants from seeds bought online from, and 15 more for dirt just from peoples smoking sacks. 5 of the big 20 will be grown in dirt as well. Now I should be cool on all the info i will contact all you guys who had positive feedback. Look out for lionkush's grow room.
maybe youve been a teacher too long vs being a student.

come up to a teacher and claim to be a noob and he takes you firmly in hand. happy to expand another mind :)

do that publicly (which is what student life is (to the extreme and beyond (compared to later "job" life))) and you will get yells of "idiot!" "nooob!" and whatnot :)

pointless to get riled up about it :)

anyways, have fun growing :)
Thank you.