Imagine Warren Buffett Giving To The Marijuana Cause.


New Member
LOL. It's funny you should mention that about the Mexicans. Exactly the same thing is happening over here with the Vietnamese. They turn a whole house into a factory then decide not to pay the electric bill, or they'll tap into the street supply. They get caught usually by either not paying the bill or nosey neighbours. 700 grow factories were closed in London last year alone.

After my second crop, we are moving to bigger premises, we have it all planned already. well at least to the stage where we've made a 150,000 each. The million, I'm not sure of yet. Maybe rent a farm in the Welsh hills.


Well-Known Member
We, what the hell, you didn't tell me you were a corporation. lol. You must have a distribution plan, thats a lot of weed to off.


New Member
Uhhh ... just a word to the wise. Its not prudent to talk about large grows on the Internet unless you use encription, and even then I'd still be prudent. I mean, we are all med users here, no?



New Member
Yeah but soon i'm going to take over the whole country and sell nuclear weapons to Iran. Then i'm going to employ suicide bombers as bodyguards. I can do all this because to set up an operation on me would be very difficult. Nobody knows who I really am, not even msn or this site. If they did I certainly wouldn't post pictures of my little grow. I'm not one to tempt fate though (bit hard to do when I don't believe in it), so maybe I'll keep my head down a bit more from now on. After all, if I am to take over the whole country and sell nuclear weapons to Iran it is far better to have in my possession the element of surprise.


Well-Known Member
The last thing you want to post on the internet is nuclear weapons or blowing shit up, Our illustrious Govt. NSA has a spy program set up to look for those such postings and they can track you Believe me!!!


New Member
I doubt they'd be interested in me. I'm hardly going to really take over the whole country. Just Wales will do for now. i think they'd be sophisticated enough to realise that my posts do not appear on the usual Islamic websites, and it would be a computer programme doing the sorting. wow, it'd have to be a massive programme.


Well-Known Member
It's not worth taking the chance as The U.S. govt.s spy program is larger than any of us know. They might turn it over to your govt. just to spank you, and believe me when I say, your not anonymous on the internet. You can't find where I live and I can't find where you live, but the NSA can find out where anyone of us live, so don't use Buzz words to attract their attention, stick to stuff about pot. they're not interested in that, at least not yet, I see the day coming though when it won't be safe to talk on the net, we're not quite there yet, remember Hitler and he didn't have all the capabilities (electronic) of our collective Governments, The U.S. is in a throw of a neo-con take-over, somewhat the same tactics as Hitler used, fear, and creating an enemy (the Jews) and making anyone that questions their authority out to be a traitor. Any anti-war activism is seen as subversive behavior and I'm sure you go into a data-bank of suspected terrorists. The police state as viewed in the seventies is here with a vengence. The Govt. sows seeds of hate and distrust to further their dominance of their citizens. People that can't see this, are the people that benefit from it. Be wise!


New Member
I probably shouldn't say this but I really don't like muslims much. I don't like their idealism at all. Or how the women must insist on wearing ninja outfits. have you heard about the rioting in London? probably not as our Government is very much trying to keep a lid on it. Black and White youths have been double teaming the muslims. It's been going on for about 5 days now, a mosque has been petrol bombed and several youths have been injured. I think this country is at boiling point with the muslims now. They take the piss out of our good nature, laugh at us for being weak and stupid enough to let them live here. It's happening all over Europe and it seems we're the last to be taking a right wing stance with the muslims.


Well-Known Member
In fact I've not seen it on the news here. What galls me about muslims is thier inability to live with the rest of us. They think we are inferior for our beliefs (infadels). This is what I believe will start the great religious wars of the millenium. I personally do not know any muslims, so cannot judge them from a personal viewpoint. My opinion on the european thing is: If you don't like the european way, go the fuck back to where you came from! I'm not a violent person, but I don't think I like Muslims in general, because of the infadel thing. If they were rioting on my street, I'd surely have my AK handy!


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever heard of a good argument FOR religion, one based on logic and reasoning. I haven't. Muslims or any religious group who feel their beliefs are absolutely right are a danger to all of us.


New Member
Well said, doobie. To just target the muslims is ridiculous, all religion should be banned, the very word wiped from the dictionaries.

All muslims should be given a flight back to their homeland. Talking of airlines, how do you guys feel about sharing your flight with a muslim? I for one would certainly not get on a plane with one. No fucking way... If that makes me a racist then so be it.

The muslims actually have their own faith schools in this country, teaching them the wonder of Islam and how to make detonaters...


Well-Known Member
I don't know about banned; you see then we would be just like the hardcore religous zealots. I just wish people in general wouldn't be so fucking ignorant. If more people, (especially religous) opened their mind and used logic for a change eventually they would realize how ridiculous some of their beliefs are.


Well-Known Member
I'm not religious, spiritual is a better word. Religion in one form or another has been responsible for more deaths throughout time than any other cause. I'm kinda for each his own in the religious dept. But don't try and foist your beliefs off on the rest of humanity or use it for Holy wars. To kill in the name of Allah or God or Jehova or any other Diety, is Blasphemus. The most critical commandment of Christian Faith is " thou shall not kill" Meaning another Human being I'm assuming! so Christian or not, I believe that to be a good rule to live by, not Jihad, or holy war! oh and yeah, no towel heads on my flight, I'm not prejudiced, just practical!