i'm wondering weather or not salvia is a good idea or not


Well-Known Member
some people just dont get any effect from salvia and some people are very sensitive to it, ive done it several times and i trip HARD every time. there are multiple plateaus too. First youll get a body high that feels weird sometimes like your getting pulled in different directions and probably go into a laughing fit. Second your sense of reality and whats going on gets fucked up with some hallucinations. Third and beyond (depending on sensitivity and amount smoked) you will literally transport to different places completely and at least for me its the most hardcore trip you could possibly have it just lasts for like 2-10 minutes. and ive done shrooms, lsd, 2c-e, K, etc. and this is the craziest by far


Active Member
salvia will fuck anyone up tis the people who dont inhale that dont get high take nice hits and hold em in long. Its good to do occosionally but i dont like to do it too often


Well-Known Member
You people who say it doesn't work either didn't have real salvia or you don't know how to smoke it right. It's not like smoking weed, you take the largest hit possible (in my case an entire bong load) and hold it in as long as possible (at least 15 seconds). I like to close my eyes while I hold in the hit as well. When I exhale, I open my eyes and I'm in another plane of existence. I agree with BaySmoke, it causes the most vivid, real trips possible. It's on the same level as dmt. I can drop a 10 strip of acid and keep a grip on reality to some extent. Salvia will completely disconnect you from the world. It can be scary the first few times you trip this hard because it hits you so fast and is so overwhelmingly powerful. Remember, the trick is take a whole bowl to the face in 1 hit and hold it at least 15 sec if not longer.


Well-Known Member
I've done salvia several times and this is how I feel. Take a big haul and hold it as long as you can, the stronger the extract, the longer the trip will last. As soon as you exhale shit will slowly begin to destort and parts of your body will start to feel like your being pulled in some direction (from my many experiences at least). There's no point in which you think "wholy shit I'm tripping" (until after) because the effects happen so gradually that you begin to accept the effects as reality (if this makes any sense?). After doing salvia the first time I tried it a second time thinking now that I know what to expect it will be better. Problem is as soon as you exhale you're so fucked up you don't know where you are and forget you've done salvia which makes it very hard to go with. Like others have mentioned I can't imagine the tole it takes on your brain/can't imagine how the shits legal. Clearly the government doesn't criminalize substances in citizen's best interests. Having said this it's definitely worth a try :D


Well-Known Member
i used to love the lucy. lived 10 mins. from berkley for some years back in the day. i think my poor old mind would just snap at this point. sounds really fun though. i wish i knew then........


Well-Known Member
wait so salvia s u up badly so it isnt really very good cause u hallucinate some scary shit and u go all crazy right that is what i heard from my freind
so i did like... 40x salvia i think? with like 4 of my close friends and everybody had this insane trip but the only thing i felt was really fuckin baked. i dunno. hah one guy thought the john lennon poster behind him was grabbing him and he couldnt stand up. my other friend thought charlie manson from the song that was playing litterally picked her up while everybody else was falling into this black hole that was sucking everything from her room into it. Then my other friend couldnt stop laughing even though he seriously thought everybody was super pissed at him cause he passed the bowl the wrong way. i just felt really spaced out and high. but i dunno. id do it again maybe just to see if the first time i didnt take a big enough hit or somethin? we just smoked out of a bowl. i guess a bong's supposed to be the best huh?


Well-Known Member
you have a high tollerance, it will reduce a little every time you smoke salvia, eventialy it WILL hit you like a bitch, try to hit 4 or 5 small bowls about a minute or so appart, that also works sometimes to get new people off.


Well-Known Member
make sure that you personally are ready for that shit

like graF said be ready and dont do that in a party else where ur fucked ! people will start laughing u'll end up in hell for 5minute that will looklike 3full hour...of insane mental torture.....

personally my first time wasnt expected....i did a pills of E the night before...didnt go to bed , at 7AM the morning it opened up me and my friend where waiting this smoking weed during the time , finally it open so tired and finish'd i buy it real quick a full gram of sticky purple 40x dam salvia! , my friend say...u gonna take a hit right?i say wut!he say why not....tired as fuck , did E the past few hour and here i am taking the bong of 40x....went soooooo away...i though of so many things....when i opened the door i though i had made it explose it had to run out of the car but gotta still touch it...the windshield was melting on me as the world flowing thru it...my vision was like a face stuck in a pc monitor...and when my friend asked me are u allright...the buzz started to trip bad hard!...i couldnt see him uz i was stuck in a space...i knew he was beside me but my mind couldnt see him i was stuck in a crispy position all over the both seat almost crawling over my partner scrating slowy in the roof to get out of this melting world paper windshield...finally i get out of the melting car still touching it or else something bad would happen no idea what but! , run to the helper door open it fast put my arms on the open door and finally woke up...had to retarget with my eyes my partner 3 time and growling "horrrgghh arrrrrrrrrrrr" due to everything messing around me and there i say "aight im ok ....im ok...i can see u .i think im ok" finally step down in the driver seat and i feel cold....abused of my corps...violated sleepy...and mindless...i didnt know what happen took me...3-4 whole week completly mindblocked on this trying to understand what happen and now im rdy to take a new hit of this shit to taste the real vision of this thing , last time did it with a bic lighter...this time gonna be with a butane lighter , myth making butane better for salvia higher heat extract perfectly the salvia in the bong so if ur doing salvia try to find a butane lighter (torch one)

PS: it was in a bong and i took two hit a full blank opacity one...and took the remaining in the pyrex cuv , until my eyes started to ondulate from left to the right and i exhaled and gave the bong to my friend and started to so badly melt!in the seat passing out but still being there
I was waiting on my mom to come open the side door on the roller coaster car I was in, when in actuality she lives 3,000 miles away and I was sitting on my friends couch. My friend didn't recognize anybody there and thought we had all come to steal his candy cane factory.... 0_o HAHAHAHA!!!!!!

I wont necessarily say it was a fun experience.... but it was definatly a very cool experience. Its one of those things where you smoke it. appreciate it for what it was, but you have no real desire to repeat it with any kind of frequency.

I've experimented with alot of chemicals: LSD (paper chads, sugarcube, liquid on tongue and in eye, mescaline, microdot, shrooms (mmm a friend that owned a resterant made calzones, pizzas, and raviolis with them. absolutely best way to take shrooms; all gourmet and shit), even cough syrup when i was in like middle school. I have absolutly never had anything get on top of me like salvia. Full blown lucid hallucinations.

I recommend trying it, but have at least one person there who is sober at a time, and if you hit it, you are not allowed to leave the room until you come down. I have no doubt that people would believe they could fly on this shit. Unfortunately, gravity is still deadly in large quantities.

Make a friend who has a contender for the worlds most comfy couch.

Have fun and be safe. Its a weird ride.