I'm voting for McCain....


Active Member
Reason #1
If Barack Obama is defined by the company he keeps, he’s a racist, anti-American extremist. From Jeremiah Wright to William Ayers to Bernadine Dohrn, just enough of Obama’s skeletons have come out of the closet and endorsed him to cast a cloud of danger over his electability as the president of the United States. Indeed, much of Obama’s primary campaign has been fraught with various allies from Obama’s past and present dancing into the media spotlight. Then, after a fair amount of unsavory press, Obama apologizes for and separates himself from the same friends he aligned himself with mere months earlier. We need only consider Obama’s remarks about Reverend Jeremiah Wright as his mentor, then the exposure of Trinity United Church and Obama’s subsequent denouncement of Wright’s anti-American speech to recall the pattern. Known terrorists, both domestic and international, endorse Barack as their man. Young Palestinian men lobby on his behalf in earnest. They do this because Obama in office serves their own interests.


Well-Known Member
This thread has become disgusting and ignorant. Do you truly believe what you say ccodiane? I really think you would benefit from walking through a burn ward, visiting a veterans hospital, going to the holocaust museum, hell anything that might open your eyes a bit more. You are obviously very passionate about your beliefs and I can respect that but your lack of awareness scares me. You have quoted Edmund Burke several times may I ask why? He condemned the French revolution although the monarchs of France were brutal dictators he predicted correctly that the French Revolution would only bring further terror (The Reign of Terror) and future despots (Napoleon) to rule. Burke was condemned by many people for his stance at the time. These beliefs seem contrary to yours in many ways. How exactly are you fighting "evil" men yourself?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
for the first 30 minutes of the sentence, the strongest loved one of the person murdered is allowed into the cell with a pair of handcuffs, two sets of vice-grips and a blow torch for a little one-on-one street justice.


why would they be handcuffed?

how can love only exist for ONE person?

I think you are referring to MENTAL attachment...

love for one is love for all..... maybe that will help you...

try and let something new in.... that requires GIVING yup a position your stuck ON... and letting it evolve or go away completely...


Well-Known Member
Sometimes, if I lean over too far, I get stuck in that position. :lol:

Hey, I like inserting a little irreverence here and there. :hump:


Well-Known Member
Normal is an opinion if you think about it. Everyone has a different perspective of what normal is so how could there be only one set way.


Well-Known Member
My dad is a big Rush fan, so I inadvertently listen to it from time to time. There's some bullshit in there, but overall he has a logical out look for a conservative point of view.
But the radio program I REALLY like is On The Issues. Pretty well balanced, good topics and a good speaker, a nice listen on the way to where you're going.