I'm thinking about getting a helicopter, i'm thinking it would be pretty baddass to have my own chopper and I can't get a drivers licence so i'm thinking a helicopter might be the way to go, it's better than an airplane and can go places a boat can't. +
Ive always wanted a submarine but a chopper would be equally cool
Thanks for the advice I looked at a Rotorway 162F, I think that might be something like what your saying would be easier, It was nice but it was small and underpowered, and their were no doors so you can't smoke out the cabin and there wasn't even enough room for a decent beer cooler- I'm not worried about learning to fly the turbine copter that's not a problem but would I need any special licence or permit? Planes are nice but I want to be able to land and take off easy and without the need for an airport, I want to be able to land in feilds and parking lots and in the desert. Planes are good but when your flying a helicopter your really part of the action, when your flying a plane it's like being a cheufer..That's a turbine helicopter... you're looking at 60,000 dollars just to learn how to fly turbine helicopters.
Get a plane, goes faster, goes farther, carries more shit... and plus the girls love private aircraft (as long as it's not some 1950's Cessna 150).
If you were to get a helicopter, the only feasible one in terms of training to be able to fly it would be the Robinson series, such as the R22 or R44.
Get one of these and I'll fly you around, as long as the pay is adequate... have been flying this aircraft for 3 years now.
Just noticed the reg number... PH-UKK... LOL.... PHUKK.
Thanks for the advice I looked at a Rotorway 162F, I think that might be something like what your saying would be easier, It was nice but it was small and underpowered, and their were no doors so you can't smoke out the cabin and there wasn't even enough room for a decent beer cooler- I'm not worried about learning to fly the turbine copter that's not a problem but would I need any special licence or permit? Planes are nice but I want to be able to land and take off easy and without the need for an airport, I want to be able to land in feilds and parking lots and in the desert. Planes are good but when your flying a helicopter your really part of the action, when your flying a plane it's like being a cheufer..
go alot more places with a heli......plus.....id rather crash then drown.....
come grab me if you do.We can pull up to the strip club in it.
my bad......closed the thread on accident
Id rather drown then burn. Fuck that crash shit.go out peacefully in the dark abyss.