i'm TERRIBLE at cloning :(


Active Member
so i took about 12 clones 12 days ago...4 diff strains...and about 8 of them have died already...i hope these last 4 dont die cuz i really need em...but is there anybody out there that can help me with an easy cloning guide that uses a tray that holds rockwool cubes, a tray underneath that, a humidity dome. cuz i did what i've read hundreds of times to do...and i do it...and i'm not getting any luck really and i see ppl out there getting roots in 7 days...!>!>!... i'm gonna have to try it again anyways...so might as well ask for more help. i've sprayed them a little every now and then with a wetting agent and thrive alive b1 red...and i've fed em water up to an inch coming out with a TIIINY bit of liquid karma...any help would do wonders!


New Member
i think your problem is to much moisture
i had same problem with my first clone attempt how moist is rockwool
and did u precondition your rockwool to lower ph


Well-Known Member
I didn't have any luck with with the tray/dome thing. A homemade power cloner is cheap and easy to make. All you need is a small rubbermaid bucket ( 16 qt or so ) the square kind, and a small air pump with air stone. If your intrested PM me, I can tell you how to make it. I used mine 2 times and got 12 of 14 the 1st time and 14 of 16 this time. 7 days.


Well-Known Member
I used a 16 qt square rubbermaid bucket. Cover the outside of the bucket with some duct tape to keep out light. I had 4" net pots, so I cut holes in the lid for the pots. I was tring to build mine without spending any $$, so I used those pots, you can buy little ones for like 4 for $1.( I found out after lol ). I put 3 rockwool cubes per pot ( 3 clones ). Put the air stone down in middle of bucket and fill with water so the bubbles are just touching the bottom of the rockwool. I keep the PH around 6 . I made a few domes from 2 ltr bottles, but youi really don't need it. I use the domes for the 1st 24 hrs. If you can get a small wtr pump, you can put that in there too...they will root faster, but it keeps the water alittle warm. If you use a pump...turn it off as soon as you see roots. Good luck
hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Trimming off half of the leaf at the bottom seems to help also. And clonex is good shit too


Well-Known Member
soak your rockwool for an hr or so. squeeze the water out so it drips a good bit so it's not soaked. put the clone in the rockwool. put the rockwool on a bed of perlite in the trey. put enough water to coat the bottom of the trey, but don't overdo it. less is more, the roots will form to look for water. so if it's soaked it won't root quickly. put the lid on the trey and light it with a cfl or 2. in about 7-10 days you should have roots.DSC02133 (2).jpg
some things i do is rather then cutting at a 45degree angle, is scrape off the outer flesh on the bottom of the stem, the use cloning gel and cover generously.


Active Member
wow i will take all these great ideas into consideration over the next couple days...seeing as i have spent WAY too much money on what i have going on now and haven't gotten a return yet...i'm gonna do it the cheapest way possible...i dig the perlite idea...that makes a lot of sense to me...i don't think i wanna go buy another air pump and stone and a bucket and pots and what not just yet...that will be a last case deal. i have some rockwools and perlite left over...what should i soak them in? just water? pH around 6? and i also did all the things you guys asked...i think my problem has been too much watering. how long does my light need to be on? should i put a dome over the perlite and cuttings?

heres a pic of my disaster btw...



Well-Known Member
Even if you had to buy everything to build a power cloner, it would still only be like $25 or $30. K-mart or Meyers has all you need.


All my cloning problems have been from temperature, If you can't keep them ~70 F you will have problems. Since I purchased a portable AC unit to keep them cool, I get 90-95% every time.


Well-Known Member
wow i will take all these great ideas into consideration over the next couple days...seeing as i have spent WAY too much money on what i have going on now and haven't gotten a return yet...i'm gonna do it the cheapest way possible...i dig the perlite idea...that makes a lot of sense to me...i don't think i wanna go buy another air pump and stone and a bucket and pots and what not just yet...that will be a last case deal. i have some rockwools and perlite left over...what should i soak them in? just water? pH around 6? and i also did all the things you guys asked...i think my problem has been too much watering. how long does my light need to be on? should i put a dome over the perlite and cuttings?

heres a pic of my disaster btw...
View attachment 1179927
i soak mine in plain ole tap water (ph'd @ 6.9 for an hr or 2). i leave my light on 24/0 but 18/6 is fine too. i put a dome over my cuttings. you'll want near 100% humidity without flooding the trey. i don't use any rooting hormone even though i have it. never lost a clone this way, or in a bubble bucket. just be patient and keep an eye on your water level. enough to keep the perlite damp, but not so it floats.