I'm stumped and its still dieing


Hello guys! I'm on my second grow raising 4 autos in a grow tent with x2 125 CFL. This plant was just starting to pre-flower when the leaves started drooping from top first to bottom. At first I thought it was an overheat so I turned the fan up and the tent went from 78-81F to about 76-79F. I give it a few more days and it seems to be getting worse with no real signs of it getting better. The other 3 plants are different strains from different breeders but their all doing great. Any advice is more than welcome.



Active Member
just looks thirsty to me, but that is probably too obvious. I would flush asap, what medium are you using and what nutes, if the leaves are crispy I would say nute burn


Fox Farm Organic medium. Also using Fox Farm nutes, flowerbloom,tigerbloom and big grow every other feeding. Also Grandma's uns. molasses every other feeding.


just looks thirsty to me, but that is probably too obvious. I would flush asap, what medium are you using and what nutes, if the leaves are crispy I would say nute burn
I thought it was because of thirst as well, I watered on schedule and even gave it a good bit extra.


Active Member
Fox Farm Organic medium. Also using Fox Farm nutes, flowerbloom,tigerbloom and big grow every other feeding. Also Grandma's uns. molasses every other feeding.
id say this strain doesnt like all the nutes. flush and foliar feed after a week or two. after that assuming you have correct ph values you should be fine...maybe. good luck:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Flush with distiller water, make sure it's draining right. It looks very locked out. I'd try a drop of super thrive per gallon of distiller or r/o water and get the humidity way up


Well-Known Member
Way Way way too much nitrogen...Severe lockout is what you have here I am almost sure...When you switch to flower any built up nitrogen will make the plant go crazy cakes...Happened to me a lot, perhaps not that badly, but my leaves always curled under, on plants that were sensitive to nutes...a plant that likes nutes won't usually have this issue...flush and then water with some sugar water...sounds weird but you would be surprised...the burnt looking leaves and what not won't recover....Here is what I would do...Go ahead and take that plant out of it's pot and give it some new soil, then water with some sugar water of the right Ph, just a little...that way you cna check out your roots and make sure there isn't any root rot or anything going on under there...If you choose to just flush you are going to have to use a whole lot of water...a whole lot! Or it won't be enough and it will just get worse..., also if it is an issue with your roots, flushing would also make the issue worse...I am fairly sure it is nute burn, but repotting would allow you to check the roots as well as removing the extra nutes...and you would be starting again with fresh prenuted soil


Way Way way too much nitrogen...Severe lockout is what you have here I am almost sure...When you switch to flower any built up nitrogen will make the plant go crazy cakes...Happened to me a lot, perhaps not that badly, but my leaves always curled under, on plants that were sensitive to nutes...a plant that likes nutes won't usually have this issue...flush and then water with some sugar water...sounds weird but you would be surprised...the burnt looking leaves and what not won't recover....Here is what I would do...Go ahead and take that plant out of it's pot and give it some new soil, then water with some sugar water of the right Ph, just a little...that way you cna check out your roots and make sure there isn't any root rot or anything going on under there...If you choose to just flush you are going to have to use a whole lot of water...a whole lot! Or it won't be enough and it will just get worse..., also if it is an issue with your roots, flushing would also make the issue worse...I am fairly sure it is nute burn, but repotting would allow you to check the roots as well as removing the extra nutes...and you would be starting again with fresh prenuted soil
Will def give this a shot tonight after I go out and get some medium. I didn't even think about this strain being super sensitive to nutes.


Well-Known Member
I have one that is...and I do something to it all the time. I just can't get it right...in veg the nutes just in the soil are too much, but since you are so stingy with the Nitrogen for the whole grow towards the end of flower they start to look starved...


Well-Known Member
The strain I have is c-13 Haze... it hates nutes, until the end...then it can't get enough... One day I will get it right...although I have been trying this particular strain for 2 years now...other strains are fine and looking awesome, but this one...oh this one...


You guys were right about the nute lockout. I flushed (kept the same soil in) and waited a night before checking it again. Took a look this morning and she's starting to recover already. Leaves are less droopy and starting to straighten out again. Most the leaves are wasted now but atleast I didn't lose the plant.