I'm stuck, please look at my dying plants please!


If anyone is on, can you please help me diagnose what is wrong with my little
batch and help me get them on track before they dry up and die on me.:sad:


Active Member
Pictures.. Grow method... Equipment? Have you even tried looking at the sticky threads before posting?


im trying to get the pic to download, will post it ASAP.
I'm using a 600W wing reflector under a desk, with
micro grow solution, but I haven't been able to calibrate my
ph meter.... so what's up, any idea?PIC of MJ.jpg


Well-Known Member
You're already feeding those little critters? Tsk, Tsk.
How about some more info, we don't like to pry, but info helps with answers.


What are your temperatures in the growing area? That looks like heat stress to me.

Get a thermometer and place it at plant level and record the temps. The hand test works as well, just hold your hand right above the plants and if it feels hot to your hand, then your plants are too hot.

Also, are you feeding them any sort of nutrients? If so I would quit, because they look too young.


New Member
Hes probably keeping the light to close and they are drying out... and Im guessing the dirt is some shit he had laying around.. If you didnt buy new soil then you should go do that right now.. That picture wasnt that good so its hard to tell.. Get a better pic please..
and age of the plant doesnt matter.. plants can run out of nitrogen or nutrient at anytime... If its old ass dirt then they could be lacking nutrients..


Yes, I started to use the three flora mixes to feed them, thinking they are in the vegetative state.

I don't think it's heat, as my hand could take the heat easily right above the plants.

So, what can I do now, since it does appear I improperly fed them?
Obviously, lay off the nutrients until a later time.... but how can I get these
babies looking fresh and thriving again?


Active Member
Give us more info, distance, amount of nutes, fans, everything. Youre not giving us enough.


Active Member
IMO, making sure your ph is correct should be your first priority, i almost ruined my two plants because of ph issues.

Your ph being off can cause issues that look like everything else.


Well-Known Member
IMO seedlings never need any supplemental feeding the first 3-4 weeks if you are growing in a decent medium. I'm 100% sure that the vast majority of problems I have seen over the years were caused by overapplication of fertilizer. They call it "weed" for a reason.