• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

I'm so High ........... that i think i see chemtrails


New Member
For anyone that doubts the existence of chem trails, and thinks they are all con trails, start looking at the sky more often. Since I moved I dont see so many but when I lived in Southern California, they were everywhere.

The best proof you can get to make yourself a believer is to actually witness a con trail behind a plain right next to a chemtrail. You'll notice that the airplane's contrail dissipates while the chemtrail will remain all day.

Con trails do not stay in the sky all day. Period. I have seen myself a plane with a contrail right next to a chemtrail, and im pretty sure you can find a vid on youtube showing the same. I don't know what chemtrails are, but if you have children that are in high school, you might wanna see what their science book says about them. =)

If you don't have kids, the chem trails are explained as a solution to global warming. Otherwise, the government completely denies the existence, calling them contrails.


Well-Known Member
The best proof you can get to make yourself a believer is to actually witness a con trail behind a plain right next to a chemtrail. You'll notice that the airplane's contrail dissipates while the chemtrail will remain all day.

Con trails do not stay in the sky all day. Period. .


The other day I watched a plane leave a contrail! Its tail only lasted for about 30 seconds before it vanished into the sky. This was an actual contrail!

On the same day, I also noticed a plane leave a chemtrail that lasted pretty much ALL DAY! After 20-30 mins the chemtrail almost blended in with the long and wispy clouds. Scary stuff!

I don't know exactly whats in a chemtrail, but I can assure you that some planes leaves contrails that last only ~30 seconds, while other planes leave chemtrails that can last a lot longer!

I've noticed planes that will shoot a burst of chemtrials for 20 seconds and then completely stop.. The plane than waited another 20 seconds before it turned back on. It was night and day, on than off and then back on again..

I'm not an expert on the subject, but people need to take heed about whats happening in the skies.

The REVOLUTION has begun!




New Member
If you use binoculars or a scope you can see that chem trails exit the plane differently too.

Man I fucking hate the morons that dismiss all this as conspiracy theory right off the bat. Fucking stupid people are dangerous to our country, and im starting to think that genocide might not be such a bad idea after all, so long as Im the dictator. lol :twisted:


Well-Known Member
If you use binoculars or a scope you can see that chem trails exit the plane differently too.

Man I fucking hate the morons that dismiss all this as conspiracy theory right off the bat. Fucking stupid people are dangerous to our country, and im starting to think that genocide might not be such a bad idea after all, so long as Im the dictator. lol :twisted:
How bad do they spay California compared to where you live now? Why do you think they spray California more than other places?

When did you first hear about chemtrails and what was your reaction?

The first day I found out about chemtrails was when I started this thread. I couldn't believe it at first. I still don't understand how the local police, fire dept, school dept, military personal, etc would allow this to happen!

The REVOLUTION has begun!




Well-Known Member
Devknob how long have you studied meteorology? Are you a pilot? Do you know what causes contrails and what effects them? Could you accurately tell that the aircraft spraying a "chemtrail" was at the same altitude as the aircraft with the contrail? No? Didn't think so... you two are suggesting that we're spending money to chemtrail the nation... without regards to anyone, Tard said it himself "I still don't understand how the local police, fire dept, school dept, military personal, etc would allow this to happen!" and that's because it's not happening. They would be doing senators, movie stars, and everyone else this nation depends on, this is a whackjob filled thread and it's bullshit. Have fun living in your ignorant paranoia, while I sip Mai Tai's and spliffs on the beach, not worried about some airplane flying over at 35,000ft spraying a "chemical" that will be 100 miles away by the time it hits the ground due to wind.


Well-Known Member
Devknob how long have you studied meteorology? Are you a pilot? Do you know what causes contrails and what effects them? Could you accurately tell that the aircraft spraying a "chemtrail" was at the same altitude as the aircraft with the contrail? No? Didn't think so... you two are suggesting that we're spending money to chemtrail the nation... without regards to anyone, Tard said it himself "I still don't understand how the local police, fire dept, school dept, military personal, etc would allow this to happen!" and that's because it's not happening. They would be doing senators, movie stars, and everyone else this nation depends on, this is a whackjob filled thread and it's bullshit. Have fun living in your ignorant paranoia, while I sip Mai Tai's and spliffs on the beach, not worried about some airplane flying over at 35,000ft spraying a chemical that will be 100 miles away by the time it hits the ground due to wind.
Feel free to disclose to us how the dynamics of the contrails work. How come some "contrails" will stay for 10 hours while others last for 30 seconds, in the SAME DAY and near the same time, location, and altitude?

I'm just trying to figure out whats going on.. Feel free to explain all of the possible dynamics for why a contrail will last for half the day! I think most of us are looking for scientific answers. Thanks SocataSmoker!

(No need to call names when an answer is not clear to us "whackjobs" that aren't licensed pilots like you (allegedly).)

The REVOLUTION has begun!




Well-Known Member
I think it's stupid juice or mind control that they are spraying.

Marijuana is the cure.

That's why the powers that be don't want it legalized. Because it is the antidote to chemtrails!

Not really, but what if it were true?


Well-Known Member
I can't remember the last time I was sick, it's been years... I attribute it to cannabis :eyesmoke:
I have to agree, Socata!

Ever since I was 10 I got a case of bronchitis every year when the cedar pollen makes it down to Sotex. Funny thing is, that's about the time of year I start seeing a bunch of chemtrails down here. Since I've started smoking regularly I have only had bronchitis once in the past 4 years when it was once every year for 16 years beforehand.


Who knows... I sure don't, at least not for sure.


New Member
How bad do they spay California compared to where you live now? Why do you think they spray California more than other places?

When did you first hear about chemtrails and what was your reaction?

The first day I found out about chemtrails was when I started this thread. I couldn't believe it at first. I still don't understand how the local police, fire dept, school dept, military personal, etc would allow this to happen!

The REVOLUTION has begun!


I cannot divulge that information. But in California, they spray alot. Its all over the place and every now and then you see grids in the sky.

I first heard about chem trails when I heard about 911. To both I said "TOTAL BULLSHIT HOW DO YOU EVEN LISTEN TO THIS BLITHERING IDIOT ALEX JONES!!!!!!!!"

For a long while I called my room mate a conspiracy theorist and was a dick about the important information he was trying to give me.

If Chemtrails freak you out - thats understandable, but understand we have no hard evidence as to what effect chemtrails are making on the environment or its inhabitants. Look at my other post about Fluoride and read it all. The truth about Fluoride is worse than anything we know about these lines in the sky, the evidence is documented. Still people are stupid and wont read any of it.


Well-Known Member
Actually, you have no hard evidence of a chemtrail at all... and I don't think you ever will. Pictures of gas overflow valves on the wings of an aircraft are not evidence. You see grids in the sky because of an aeronautical navigation thing called Jetways and Victor Routes... all aircraft follow them as to not smash into each other, anymore theories you want me to debunk on this issue?


New Member
Actually, you have no hard evidence of a chemtrail at all... and I don't think you ever will. Pictures of gas overflow valves on the wings of an aircraft are not evidence.
When I see it with my own eyes, let me rephrase, there is hard evidence that there are white lines in the sky that are not contrails, they last all day if it isnt too windy, and the government doesnt know what they are, or wont talk about them. Anyone can verify that.


New Member
Actually, you have no hard evidence of a chemtrail at all... and I don't think you ever will. Pictures of gas overflow valves on the wings of an aircraft are not evidence. You see grids in the sky because of an aeronautical navigation thing called Jetways and Victor Routes... all aircraft follow them as to not smash into each other, anymore theories you want me to debunk on this issue?
Did you explain why they stay up all day long and whats in them? I havent read this whole deal and dont have the time. Page number works.


Well-Known Member
Did you explain why they stay up all day long and whats in them? I havent read this whole deal and dont have the time. Page number works.
You would think he(SocataSmoker) would know how to copy and paste instead of needing to "repeating himself".

Socata is moving to Alaska to save himself! He knows whats going on, and thats why hes heading to the "Tundra". :D

The REVOLUTION has begun!




New Member
It's nice to be able to ask a pilot.

So how is it a plane passing a "chemtrail", closely, has a small dissipating contrail? Ive seen this with my own eyes, and once on youtube. Id like for you to be able to completely disprove this, as you would be likely viable source of good information, being a pilot and all. But certain questions need to be answered as well... Also, "chemtrails" also tend to fan out while they are floating in the sky. Is this typical of a contrail? Also. You say you've seen contrails youve passed hours earlier. Can contrails stay in the sky for 8-10 hours? I look forward to your reply

That depends on many variables, heat, moisture, and upper level winds... I've passed plenty of contrails that I had passed hours earlier, we use jetways and victor routes which put aircraft on the exact same route as other aircraft. Here are the jetways around the US... not counting the victor airways as there are WAY too many. I haven't seen too many contrails dissipate in 5 minutes though... most take an hour or more around my house. Very humid down here, keeps moisture in the air much longer.

So as you can see, it's very easy to see a LOT in one area...


Well-Known Member
It's nice to be able to ask a pilot.

So how is it a plane passing a "chemtrail", closely, has a small dissipating contrail? Ive seen this with my own eyes, and once on youtube. Id like for you to be able to completely disprove this, as you would be likely viable source of good information, being a pilot and all. But certain questions need to be answered as well... Also, "chemtrails" also tend to fan out while they are floating in the sky. Is this typical of a contrail? Also. You say you've seen contrails youve passed hours earlier. Can contrails stay in the sky for 8-10 hours? I look forward to your reply
What you may be seeing is an aircraft 1000's of feet lower in the atmosphere, the quick dissipating contrail would be low, 23-27,000ft. The contrail that lasts for a long time would be the ones that are high up, 27-41,000 (private jets often travel above airline traffic) and the ice crystals that form these high contrails won't dissipate until the temperate turns them into water which can last all day if the pressure is right in the upper atmosphere. Tell you what you can do, if you want to see what aircraft is flying above you there are a multitude of sources and programs, there are free ones that limit update time to 5-10 minute intervals due to security and safety, and there are ones you can pay for that update within 1 minute of the FAA. Fanning out is extremely typical and is very easy to explain, it's just the wind carrying the ice crystals along and this will of course widen them and disperse them. And tard, I'm too lazy to cut/paste :D and damn right I'm moving to Alaska to get away! Muahahaha! :blsmoke:

Here are some flight trackers:


http://www.flightaware.com/live/ - Use the browse by airport function