• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

I'm so High ........... that i think i see chemtrails


Well-Known Member
To honestly think they're spraying the population sounds like some psychotic babble... they'd be spraying the people that run this country! Are you saying that since you've witnessed this, you're dumber? Have the contrails affected you in any negative way, or anyone else in that matter since these chemtrails were first reported... I want to know, if these are chemtrails, then were is the damage caused by them? Sounds like major paranoia to me... :blsmoke:
How would you know your true potential if you never knew it? For example, back before we knew smoking tobacco was harmful, stunts growth, and causes lung cancer, how would you know you had the potential to be taller? So because of you smoking you stunted your growth by 3 inches, but you would have never know what your potential height was because you never got there. The same thing could apply to our brains.

How would we know how smart we really could be if we have been drinking fluorinated water since we were born? Make sense?




Well-Known Member
I don't know about you my friend, but my IQ hasn't gone down in 15 years... 153 average. Another thing, our potential is limitless... you can learn as much as you want to. If these were chemtrails... I think I'd know if I was becoming more of an idiot. Tell ya what, here's MY psycho theory... chemtrails are propaganda put onto us by Jihadists in order for us to turn against our country, making it weak enough for them to attack and take over... if we can't love our own country, then what do we care if someone takes it over?


Well-Known Member
I don't know about you my friend, but my IQ hasn't gone down in 15 years... 153 average. Another thing, our potential is limitless... you can learn as much as you want to. If these were chemtrails... I think I'd know if I was becoming more of an idiot. Tell ya what, here's MY psycho theory... chemtrails are propaganda put onto us by Jihadists in order for us to turn against our country, making it weak enough for them to attack and take over... if we can't love our own country, then what do we care if someone takes it over?
What do you think about fluoride in our tap water? Whats your feelings about that? Try and find some good benefits of adding fluoride to our water. Fluoride might be good for our teeth, but its not good once ingested.

I just learned about chemtrails yesterday, but if the reality is that they are dumping chemicals onto populations than something has to happen fast.

SocataSmoker.... You said you were a fremason right? That could explain some things.




Well-Known Member
Damn backspace key deleted all my shite! Ok, I'll try and sum it up quickly...

Water fluoridation was started a LONG time ago... indeed for honorable reasons as increasing public health. Science advanced and now it's possible that it is bad for us, but to think it's purposely done is idiotic when I've witnessed senators, past presidents, and other government officials drinking water out of fountains and they don't seem to care... don't you think if it were a government operation that these people would not drink the water?

As for me being a Mason... sure am and I love it! I get to help my community in a big way, just last week we repaired some buildings in New Orleans... next week we're building a ramp for a lady that cant get into her home now that she is in a wheelchair. I can't vouch for other Masonic lodges, but mine helps people and honestly I haven't heard anything about our secret plan to take over the world... besides, what are your thoughts on the Knights of Columbus? Why don't I hear about them when they say themselves that they'd kill man, woman, and child not of the Catholic faith when a worldly catastrophic event happens? I also support Ron Paul, wouldn't that go against much of my perceived Mason beliefs? Limiting the government and all...

As for chemtrails, I did some reading and found out... they started in '97... must have something to do with the shooting of Tupac dontcha think?! Strange, because before 1997... I saw the exact same contrails, the exact same "chemtrails" as people would say, that I see today. They still grow wider depending on atmospheric conditions, some dissipate quickly, some stay for hours. Think of it in a logical sense, the government does not run this country... the American people do by working and paying taxes, if you think that they think poisoning us and making us ignorant will allow them to takeover, you need a head adjustment... they need us alive, working, and in great mental health in order to make this country succeed... how could we be slaves if we were all dumb and stupid, we'd look at them and start talking like cavemen banging our hands on a table.


Check out these "chemtrails" from 1944!

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Active Member
when I was a kid I drank well water there was no floride in it. So when I went to school they forced floride tablets on us. Tasted like shit.


Well-Known Member
Damn backspace key deleted all my shite! Ok, I'll try and sum it up quickly...

Water fluoridation was started a LONG time ago... indeed for honorable reasons as increasing public health. Science advanced and now it's possible that it is bad for us, but to think it's purposely done is idiotic when I've witnessed senators, past presidents, and other government officials drinking water out of fountains and they don't seem to care... don't you think if it were a government operation that these people would not drink the water?

As for me being a Mason... sure am and I love it! I get to help my community in a big way, just last week we repaired some buildings in New Orleans... next week we're building a ramp for a lady that cant get into her home now that she is in a wheelchair. I can't vouch for other Masonic lodges, but mine helps people and honestly I haven't heard anything about our secret plan to take over the world... besides, what are your thoughts on the Knights of Columbus? Why don't I hear about them when they say themselves that they'd kill man, woman, and child not of the Catholic faith when a worldly catastrophic event happens? I also support Ron Paul, wouldn't that go against much of my perceived Mason beliefs? Limiting the government and all...

As for chemtrails, I did some reading and found out... they started in '97... must have something to do with the shooting of Tupac dontcha think?! Strange, because before 1997... I saw the exact same contrails, the exact same "chemtrails" as people would say, that I see today. They still grow wider depending on atmospheric conditions, some dissipate quickly, some stay for hours. Think of it in a logical sense, the government does not run this country... the American people do by working and paying taxes, if you think that they think poisoning us and making us ignorant will allow them to takeover, you need a head adjustment... they need us alive, working, and in great mental health in order to make this country succeed... how could we be slaves if we were all dumb and stupid, we'd look at them and start talking like cavemen banging our hands on a table.

I sure would like to believe that SoSmoker.

As far as fremasons go, I didn't imply anything, you just interpolated it the wrong way. I don't know too much about fremasons except that they are like a secret fraternity that is arranged like an onion(many different layers with the outside layers having the most people but wanes down as you move up to the upper echelon of fremasonry/'center of the onion'.). So therefor I can only speculate the motives of the group. But I am skeptical, there might be some hidden agendas that I have no idea about(and you for that matter). Weren't the people who threw the Boston tea party and the people that signed the Declaration of Independence, Freemasons? So they have conspired before(the Revolutionary War against the Brits).:mrgreen:

I guess I'm cynical about the gov't because of the following reasons.

Global Warming is a lie(as Al Gore depicts)
The Great Global Warming Swindle - Channel: UKUFO on LiveVideo.com

There are a bunch of ex gov't employees that claim aliens are real and they have seen them. They also claim the aliens have bases on the darkside of the moon. What the Fock? I believe everyone is lying in this vid.. but it just goes to show you how people that work close with the gov't are good at lying though their teeth. YouTube - U.F.O DISCLOSURE PROJECT U.FO MEETING

Pot is a great plant that has many positive attributes but yet its illegal. But they pass out pills that are extremely addictive and can actually kill you(oxy cottin and other synthetic opiates).

YouTube - grow more pot. pt1
YouTube - grow more pot. pt2

These people allege pot cures cancer YouTube - RUN FROM THE CURE - The Rick Simpson Story (Part 1 of 7) I haven't studied up on it besides watching the movies, but I wouldn't doubt it.

Alex Jpnes predicts 911 YouTube - Alex Jones Predicts 911 Tell me that doesn't strike you as odd?

This politician is empathetic of the conspiracy "theorists" YouTube - If You're an American you should see THIS! for real

Why didn't the pentagon release vids of the plane crash into itself? YouTube - Here's something the government didn't want you to see

They declared the WTC7 collapsed before it actually did YouTube - FOX-5 Reports 9/11/01: WTC-7 Collapsed Before Actual Event

You have to watch this one. Its about WTC7 and him saying "pull it" YouTube - WTC 7 - Pull It By Larry Silverstein

Fluoride was first implemented in Nazi Germany YouTube - Dangers of Fluoride

Heres a good website FDD turned me onto Home

Codex is going to pass a law in Dec of 2009 that is going to make vitamins illegal unless you have a prescription. YouTube - Codex Alimentarius P1 So, if you want your multivitamins than you will need to go to the Dr.'s office to get them! We need to stand up to these people!

RON PAUL(THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR POTUS) was totally dismissed from most TV airings. Go learn about RON PAUL. I bet a lot of people don't know that RON PAUL has the most funding from the military... RON PAUL wants to get rid of the IRS(income taxes) and the "Federal Reserve"(a privately owned back that prints the US dollars) YouTube - RON PAUL WINNING!!!

YouTube - David Icke on 9/11 & 7/7 (part 1 of 11)

So when they tell me that they are dumping Chemtrails into the sky to combat global warming I remain very skeptical and mostly believe it to be the biggest lie ever!

YouTube - Chem-trails on the Discovery Channel part 1 of 3

If anyone has any questions on anything I would be happy to help and give my opinions. I have more links too:mrgreen:


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Well-Known Member
get me stoned yeah?
Ya man! Here..... Take this :joint:...... there you go:blsmoke:..... Now take a couple hits and enter the 5th dimension:mrgreen:....(Ya, its that good)

dude where you been we tarded?
have u not been here for a couple or am i just high
I learned everything I need to know(and more) about growing pot, so I've been studying in the political section of RIU.:mrgreen:


Fdd, why did you change my title from "I'm so high" to "I'm so high.... that I think I see chemtrails."? HAHA :lol:... Its not a big deal, but I'm just wondering:mrgreen:




Well-Known Member
I don't even live in a huge city and I see Chemtrails all the time. After 10 minutes or so they dissipate BUT then it gets HAZY out, not cloudy... EVERY TIME. I work outside all day so I can watch it happen. Crazy shit.

I dunno if they are trying to kill us but I sure as hell would like to know what they *are* doing.


Well-Known Member
1.) They knew about the dangers of fluoride during the 1920's! Fluoride was first added into drinking water in NAZI GERMANY, it was given to the concentration camp prisioners. Hitler was looking into more population control by medicating the drinking water- fluoride was his golden child for this plan. You're toothpaste says to call posion control is injested FOR A REASON.

2.) Studies have been done conducted on the 'dust' left behind by chemtrails a few times, showing high content of heavy metal particles- of which are very hazardous to your health. Studies of the content of air have also shown a rise in certain heavy metal particles in our air- a sharp increase in the past 10 years.

I'm assuming the links FDD posted were not read...

Do some research on weather manipulation... it's insane to think Germany is currently experiementing with this but the U.S. isn't (lol, they got Caught illegally doing this)... the fact that Congress is trying to pass bills to ALLOW the government to legally conduct weather manipulation by spraying heavy metal particles into the upper atmosphere to reduce global warming is the icing on the cake for me... Evidence of these metals being sprayed, evidence of their clear intention to do this, evidence that the application will be dangerous to life on our planet.... sounds like nothing good to me..


Well-Known Member
Also, as far as the government 'not wanting to hurt us'... lol.. they've been doing dangerous experiments on the unknowing citizens of this country for DECADES. -_- They've let people just go without treatment and die so they could 'see the results'. These people are fucking sick...


Well-Known Member
Also, as far as the government 'not wanting to hurt us'... lol.. they've been doing dangerous experiments on the unknowing citizens of this country for DECADES. -_- They've let people just go without treatment and die so they could 'see the results'. These people are fucking sick...
That reminds me, they used to sterilize people back in the 30's.... or somewhere back then:? So basically they would observe you and make you do tests and then they would dictate if they deem you fit enough to procreate. I'm sure a lot of people haven't heard about Eugenics, right?

AIDs was actually manifested in the 80's by a Eugenics Dr. So you have these people to thank for having to worry about AIDs. It was created by man, it didn't come from people having sex with monkeys or whatnot. There was no such things as AIDs in the 60's and 70's.

Let me see if I can find some links/sources for the above claims.







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Well-Known Member
Keep marching patriot...

Least you have the patience to post the links to back up this shyt..I have no patience for sheeple anymore.. lol.. I have the right to say whatever I want- and I don't even have to prove it, because I can believe what I want.. lol.. If I say something that you want to know more about or don't want to believe- LOOK IT UP YOURSELF. I don't care to think for other people- I say what I think, I've researched to come to my conclusions, now you expect me to waste my time because you aren't informed and waste my time convincing you that the sky is blue.. go look out the window yourself... :blsmoke: Root problem #1 in society.. people have forgotten how to think for themselves.. they wait for someone to tell them or point the way..

God I'm blown and just kept rambling..... :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Damn backspace key deleted all my shite! Ok, I'll try and sum it up quickly...

Water fluoridation was started a LONG time ago... indeed for honorable reasons as increasing public health. Science advanced and now it's possible that it is bad for us, but to think it's purposely done is idiotic when I've witnessed senators, past presidents, and other government officials drinking water out of fountains and they don't seem to care... don't you think if it were a government operation that these people would not drink the water?

As for me being a Mason... sure am and I love it! I get to help my community in a big way, just last week we repaired some buildings in New Orleans... next week we're building a ramp for a lady that cant get into her home now that she is in a wheelchair. I can't vouch for other Masonic lodges, but mine helps people and honestly I haven't heard anything about our secret plan to take over the world... besides, what are your thoughts on the Knights of Columbus? Why don't I hear about them when they say themselves that they'd kill man, woman, and child not of the Catholic faith when a worldly catastrophic event happens? I also support Ron Paul, wouldn't that go against much of my perceived Mason beliefs? Limiting the government and all...

As for chemtrails, I did some reading and found out... they started in '97... must have something to do with the shooting of Tupac dontcha think?! Strange, because before 1997... I saw the exact same contrails, the exact same "chemtrails" as people would say, that I see today. They still grow wider depending on atmospheric conditions, some dissipate quickly, some stay for hours. Think of it in a logical sense, the government does not run this country... the American people do by working and paying taxes, if you think that they think poisoning us and making us ignorant will allow them to takeover, you need a head adjustment... they need us alive, working, and in great mental health in order to make this country succeed... how could we be slaves if we were all dumb and stupid, we'd look at them and start talking like cavemen banging our hands on a table.


Check out these "chemtrails" from 1944!

yes, our government loves us and wants nothing but to give us the best life possible. YouTube - Reefer Madness (1936)




Well-Known Member
Where did I say they loved us? I'm just stating a fact... without smart, able, hard working people, this country would fail in minutes. What you're saying is equivalent to a farmer releasing locusts onto his crops... he's destroying his livelihood. The government needs us way more than we need them, so why would they try and destroy their own people unless they themselves want to be ruined? Milf, I think for myself very much... if you've read any of my previous posts on these forums you'd see that. I am a pioneer in many things I do, I've never followed anyone on anything... it is my thinking for myself that shows me that for the moment, chemtrails are bullshit. Hell, I fly through contrails daily and have for quite some time without any problems what-so-ever... I think if these chemtrails were as dangerous as you were making them out to be, it'd affect the mechanical aspects of the aircraft with all this aluminum and shite... it would at LEAST affect radio/navigation... and it hasn't. I know the government is into shit it shouldn't be, every government is... but to say our government is committing genocide on our own people? Come on...
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Well-Known Member
Keep marching patriot...

Least you have the patience to post the links to back up this shyt..I have no patience for sheeple anymore.. lol.. I have the right to say whatever I want- and I don't even have to prove it, because I can believe what I want.. lol.. If I say something that you want to know more about or don't want to believe- LOOK IT UP YOURSELF. I don't care to think for other people- I say what I think, I've researched to come to my conclusions, now you expect me to waste my time because you aren't informed and waste my time convincing you that the sky is blue.. go look out the window yourself... :blsmoke: Root problem #1 in society.. people have forgotten how to think for themselves.. they wait for someone to tell them or point the way..

God I'm blown and just kept rambling..... :blsmoke:
Hey sheeple is my word.

But you're right. People look at me strange every time I talk alterior motives within government. The double think I experience is insane. People talking about being safer through the loss of certain civil liberties. They don't realize they're inalienable rights. They can't be taken. I just wish people would realize the 538 members of the house/congress don't give a shit about us. They care about lining there pockets and establishing themselves as elite members of society. But I've been told im not a patriot because I think like this. I say people who question the government are the ultimate patriot. Most people are just to docile to see it.


Well-Known Member
Keep marching patriot...

Least you have the patience to post the links to back up this shyt..I have no patience for sheeple anymore.. lol.. I have the right to say whatever I want- and I don't even have to prove it, because I can believe what I want.. lol.. If I say something that you want to know more about or don't want to believe- LOOK IT UP YOURSELF. I don't care to think for other people- I say what I think, I've researched to come to my conclusions, now you expect me to waste my time because you aren't informed and waste my time convincing you that the sky is blue.. go look out the window yourself... :blsmoke: Root problem #1 in society.. people have forgotten how to think for themselves.. they wait for someone to tell them or point the way..

God I'm blown and just kept rambling..... :blsmoke:
HAHA its funny that you mention that because I really didn't feel like looking up links, but I just did a quick search without actually watching the vids. HAHA, so I'm not exactly sure what I posted, but hopefully it will be right. :lol:

Your right though, people don't want to think for their selves. And you can even put all the facts in front of their face and they still won't fathom truth/reality sometimes. I'm just trying to do my part to awake the blissful ignorance and try and get other people to pass out the red pills:mrgreen: YouTube - The Red pill

Keep rambling... I like your ramblings:mrgreen:




Well-Known Member
As for this dust left behind by the chemtrails... how was this dust collected, where was it collected from? That dust could be from my shoes...