im so dumb and clumsy


Active Member
im about a week or 2 from harvest with one of my crops so im getting my other room ready to go into flower. i run a rotating grow in 2 spaces, so not completely perpetual. i grow my plants pretty big to keep under the legal limit since i am not a caregiver to anyone. the veg plants were a little too tall for my liking, so i lst'd some last week and they are doing great. i went to lst my last 2 and first one was fine, but when i went to bend one of the main stalks on my last girl, i heard a HORRIBLE breaking sound. the main branch i was working on broke a little bit and when i went to grab something to patch it up with, it slipped off its support and it completely ripped off.

so i broke off a branch like 2.5 ft long. i top my plants too and it was going to be one of the main colas. if i had to guess id say its roughly 33% of the entire plant. im going to give it like a week or 2 to heal before i send them into flower now, as opposed to in a few days like i had planned. im so mad at myself.

ill post some pics later when i have the time. i know this will effect my overall yield off this plant a lot, but hopefully not all is lost. anyone ever do anything stupid like this?

main i am totally kicking myself in the ass for this one right now.


Well-Known Member
Damn i've never broken off at a point so low it totals a third of the plant BUT I have broken so many donkey dick colas off, if I'm in the grow room and start screaming and hollering the lady runs in with bandaids....
We use the ones for sensitive skin because they pull off the plant a hell of a lot easier... in a bind if I'm alone I use electrical tape... Just consider this a lesson in grafting since it broke all the way off, if you pull this off you can say you've done something very few growers have. Sorry man!


Active Member
Is dipping the broken off stem in root compound & makibg it into a rather large clone an option? Still in veg, right?


Active Member
the plant i broke is still in veg. my other area is in flower close to harvest, so i was getting the room w the broken plant ready to switch to 12/12. i think its way too big to clone the branch itself but im thinking i could just make a crapton of clones with what i broke off. when i get home from work tonight the lights will be back on and ill have time to get some pictures up of my major fail.

the grafting would be a cool idea, ive done it w citrus before. making a bunch of cuttings would prob end up w better results tho


Active Member
so this is the destruction i caused today. the first pic is the branch that came off. the 2nd is a closeup of the break and the 3rd is a pic of the plant in its entirety.


the other plants in this room were lst'd to a full 90 degrees and have responded well, even the other one i did this morning is happy. the plant i broke i didnt really lst too much, i only bent the branches to a 45deg angle because i was too afraid to possibly hurt it more than it already had been. sucks too because the broken girl is a lemon kush i was gifted and even in veg the stems are super sticky and the preflower calyxes are huge and very crystally.

once my other room is harvested(gigabud and boss hogg freebies) i will start germinating some seeds. after careful deliberation i have decided to pop the tga ace of spades and sin city aliens jack'd up i have in my seed stash. im excited to get started with those. i should be able to do some decent pheno hunting too since with the new rec laws the plant limit is basically doubled(6 med, 6 rec).

the plants which will stay in veg a bit longer now due to the break are 2 lemon kush and 2 cindy99(supposedly but i doubt they really are) i was gifted. theyre all like 4-5ft wide bushed after lst with some nice growth. ive decided im going to take that broken off branch and make like 20 or so clones and if it ends up being dank give the clones away.

we will see how they do. ill keep you posted


Active Member
It happens to all of us brother here is a pic of our grape that was trained by our veg tent collapsing. I am guessing a third of her was ripped off and this is what remains we went ahead with her as we need the space filled not ideal but we gotta do it.



Active Member
damn CF thats gnarly. did you cut it off at a 45 just to clean it up a little so stuff wouldnt gather in the wound? how long after the accident did you put her into 12/12? and if you were running other grape plants what was the yield like(only in respects to what was left, ie bud size) in comparison to the broken one?


Active Member
MG this is our first grape so I am not sure how the yield is going to be effected but the branch that broke was probably a third so yeah it's big. Rae doesn't remember why it was cut like that she was here when the collapse was discovered and she got to deal with the carnage. My guess the cut was what made sence at the time as far as the angle no real technique we are pretty green especially Rae JK baby... So I think we waited 3-4 days and then flipped her no rest for the wicked around here. Here is another pic she looks good just a bit lopsided.

shreaded bamboo steak left for effect to be removed soon. Ha.



Active Member
had that branch sitting in a coffee cup of distilled water and went to go cut my set of clones this morning. i had it resting in the corner of a well lit closet just to keep it safe until i could work with it, guess it wasnt so safe tho. closet has no door and one of my cats knocked it over(the way it was propped up theres no way it could have fallen on its own) and when i got to it this morning it was looking really sad and wilted bad on the ground. i just tossed it in the trash. luckily i always keep clones of all my plants just in case, ill just be working with less than i originally thought. sucks but i guess live and learn.

ill still keep updates on how the original lemon kush does tho throughout recovery and flower