Im rappin the guns yuh.

Yo yo I'm back with some muddafuggin fresh raps
Back in school fleshin out some new tracks
Researchin ganja, girls, guns and new facts
Just got my midterms and I'm ace-ing the shit
Just got an email from professor saying my info speech was fucking legit
I know I ain't here much but I can still fit all the dicks
I love and miss you guys just busy hitting the books and bricks
Just saying it ain't true, you can teach an old dog new tricks.
Yo yo I'm back with some muddafuggin fresh raps
Back in school fleshin out some new tracks
Researchin ganja, girls, guns and new facts
Just got my midterms and I'm ace-ing the shit
Just got an email from professor saying my info speech was fucking legit
I know I ain't here much but I can still fit all the dicks
I love and miss you guys just busy hitting the books and bricks
Just saying it ain't true, you can teach an old dog new tricks.

Yup, some homeless guy left him that note in the woods. And it terrified him. What a dumbass! He could’ve got ten bucks AND his first blow job ever!

Why would he say no to that?
Some people’s children am i right? That’s a nice note what a dick, he just left huh?
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I actually had OP give me head for 10$ bucks in the woods. I called it Wood In The Woods. He loved it.

When he saw my penis he gave me 10$. Only problem is, hes been giving so much head his whole life it's obvious he's lost his passion.

If inda wang didn't spark passion in his eyes he's a lost cause if I'm ever feeling a lil blue I just check out the dick pic and it picks me up by my boot straps and the whistles just flow out feeling truly inspired