Active Member
I have found mighty wash to be effective if you use it before there is a real serious problem. It's part of a weekly maintenance routine along with neem oil until about 3 weeks into flowering (I don't like to spray developed buds). So yes, if I keep up on it, spray regularly in the early stages, remove any spotty leaves, then I can keep them mite free until finishing.This is a POLITE and serious question, not intentional trouble.
Hey Sik, have you found that mighty wash to be effective for you friend? To the point of not needing anything else?
I only ask because there is no one way to control the borg and I know ALOT of people with ALOT of their own personal choice methods for combating such issues.
Heard many things about mighty wash and nukem and the like and it seems that the faithful believe in them and live by their effectiveness, has this been your experience?
I stopped playing with the borg in the 1980's. Yes I know there are more natural ways to combat them but I'm well over the hoops that such natural remedies require...lights out, application Q 72 hours for 3 weeks.....only if it's raining and on a thursday...
Forbid and forget.
reminder that this is a POLITE question and response, I'm way past shooting at folks for their own choices, one should do what works.
However, one time I was careless and lazy and let some plants that were about 5 weeks in get infested with those little bastards so I sprayed the shit out of them in full flower and it killed the mites, it also killed the plants

The only thing I've found that can combat mites late into flowering is a vacuum and lots of dedication (about 20 minutes a day). So the only way I've found to get rid of mites is to do everything and anything possible not to get them in the first place.
Ill admit i'm no expert. First it was powder mildew, got a sulfur burner, burned once and I never saw it again. Then it was grey mold, cracking open a beautiful nug to see that almost made me throw up. It was so disheartening. So I got a dehumidifier and that took care of that. Then it was mites. Ugg, when your a rookie by the time you even realize you have a mite problem, it was way too late the be effective and killing them. So it took months of cleaning and vacuuming on the reg before I was able to completely (more then likely not completely) get rid of them.
Also, I don't have a ph meter either. Never really felt a need for one. So I agree with you there to, I just took issue with your tone. There is way too much nay saying on RIU when it's all just opinion. But you clearly do know your stuff so I'm going to give you some rep, and no one can say your plants don't look amazing.