I thought this topic was over?? please, no more,
If everyone here were to just drop it, it would be over, but people keep bringing it up
I did the same thing this morning, and realized what happens..... everyone gets into a big ass argument again.... thats not what we are goin for here, we are here to learn and guide, maybe chit-chat in toke and talk.....
lets move on and worry about ourselves
lol you guys said you were tried of hearing about it so I saved everyone the trouble of starting this shit all overhey pandabear,
where did the whole thing about video go????
Is this some type of childish trick or what?! that was pretty stup[id to bring that up again, let people post on it and then replace it with something stupid, youre cool.
so what's with the downloads. i have an old laptop that having problems. are those downloads good or are you totally messing with me? i need the windows XP repair.
That was wack as hell! Get your skills up. lol