*Im not saying a thing.


Well-Known Member
I thought this topic was over?? please, no more,

If everyone here were to just drop it, it would be over, but people keep bringing it up

I did the same thing this morning, and realized what happens..... everyone gets into a big ass argument again.... thats not what we are goin for here, we are here to learn and guide, maybe chit-chat in toke and talk.....

lets move on and worry about ourselves


Well-Known Member
I thought this topic was over?? please, no more,

If everyone here were to just drop it, it would be over, but people keep bringing it up

I did the same thing this morning, and realized what happens..... everyone gets into a big ass argument again.... thats not what we are goin for here, we are here to learn and guide, maybe chit-chat in toke and talk.....

lets move on and worry about ourselves

Whats the matter you dont like my nice pic of buds?:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
hey pandabear,

where did the whole thing about video go????

Is this some type of childish trick or what?! that was pretty stup[id to bring that up again, let people post on it and then replace it with something stupid, youre cool.


Well-Known Member
hey pandabear,

where did the whole thing about video go????

Is this some type of childish trick or what?! that was pretty stup[id to bring that up again, let people post on it and then replace it with something stupid, youre cool.
lol you guys said you were tried of hearing about it so I saved everyone the trouble of starting this shit all over:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
so what's with the downloads. i have an old laptop that having problems. are those downloads good or are you totally messing with me? i need the windows XP repair.


Well-Known Member
so what's with the downloads. i have an old laptop that having problems. are those downloads good or are you totally messing with me? i need the windows XP repair.

yo I down-load,
dont even trip though,
im smoking hydro
and walkin like crip bro

I stay bent on that shit though
that kinda shit like Cisco
the kinda shit make a bitch go
I wanna suck like pronto

she want it thick like a Quizno
Ill shake her ass like a Disco
she says my name while we're on the floor
And then I tell her like bitch go


Bored at work freestyle typeing


Well-Known Member
That was wack as hell! Get your skills up. lol

lol lets see you spit somthin then:mrgreen:

I didnt want to post my good stuff since im not signed yet but here goes:

Critical, outlook on life seems miserable
Criminals, running one nation indivisible
Reality is struck, morality is fucked
You try to get a job but you're probably out of luck

So you systemize, eating lies politicians sell
Vote for me, reality is Follow me to hell
Mutated chicken cells 10 on the Richter scales
Alcohol on the rise with increased liquor sales

Inevitable downfall is evident
Spend every cent on your chemical, but can't pay the rent
What's that all about? Nation under God falling out
Free will first amendment rights freedom calling out

It's all monetary get the oil send the military
And it very well may be we need revolutionaries
If you want to get fisted enlist in the system
And get fucked by officials who call themselves Christians

I pledge allegiance to the flag
Social security number's my tag
Phony ass politicians with fake charm
Catch a bullet in the head I got the right to bear arms

Our country leads the world in political scandals
While graffiti artists are labeled criminal vandals
Expert military networks
Performing underground radiation so your head hurts
Classify everything, tyranny with no king

in the prison lockup the caged bird sings
