Well-Known Member
You got pyrexlolololo hahahahaha . frozen tanks and pit bulls .... i miss when string cheese played bluegrasspre you got my ten pack ?

You got pyrexlolololo hahahahaha . frozen tanks and pit bulls .... i miss when string cheese played bluegrasspre you got my ten pack ?
They sell larger ones, I didnt post the right one so fail on me. I know for a fact my vial dropper holds more than 30.Do that ten thousand time? No way...
Oh,you guys just getting tenths and busting em down...I sell larger ones, I didnt post the right one so fail on me. I know for a fact my vial dropper holds more than 30.
im actually not doing anything atm, but instead trying to take on a left-off experiment of shulgins. Trying is the key word.Oh,you guys just getting tenths and busting em down...I
I'm too old school....never thought THAT would happen
I thought you were talking bout vials as droppers...
Still..that's just a rediculous amount of work for what I can do in 3-4hours and get ten times the work in..I guess you could get quick....eventually...
i heard of ppl who spray it with mountain dewthey be more crafty than that
spray it with fruit juice to make it slightly sticky weigh more and smell interesting LOL
Ohhhh..mark dropping...ohhhhh...I don't do psychedelics anymore. I am an art collector and not just blotter. I don't know how you don't get that a book is 9 sheets and has 900 hits/doses. People take the sheets off the book and sell them either active or for an art collection but most collectors get books. Look if you don't like collecting and run around tripping all the time like some kid great for you but I'm an adult with a job and only use cannabis. Very rarely does a book come with more than 900 hits, I have seen some with 1024 before but it was a rare occasion. I don't give a shit about shitty jam bands like Phish or the the Grateful Dead and they are only famous because of all you burn out hippies that go to their shows. I also know Amanda Sage who is friends with Mark McCloud and my buddy in SF lives a few blocks from McCloud and his wife goes to the same Yoga class as he does. I'm no kid I'm 40 years old you moron. By looking at your previous posts it seems you only run around talking about psychedelics on a cannabis board.
Have you ever grown? Do you even know anything about cannabis. If you want to see my shit go to the Clone only thread. You know Ken Kesey? Thats funny because he is dead.
I have a Mark McCloud Jolly Rogers in mail right now an original Alex Grey "Vagra Being" as well as 7 other Vanity blotters, A pic of what I got yesterday and a pic of the Jolly Roger I should be getting today. I like how they spelled Hofmann's name wrong:
Listen kid there is nothing you can do to embarrassment me, so your living like your a teenager still and thats great i mean if you enjoy your moms basement that much.Ohhhh..mark dropping...ohhhhh...
Yes I grow..check it out....put it on your 9x9 books.and wipe your ass with it for all I care,fake ass custy you 40 or 4,you still have no idea wtf you're talking about,and suggest you find out soon or risk embarrassment in the future...just a recommendation...
Never got anything from shakedown, I have a friend in NYC, now wait I'm going to name drop again, that is friends with Alex Grey and he has A lot of Vanity blotters signed by Grey, Leary, kesey, Amanda Sage, McCloud, he has done personal blotters for Jeff Bridges, the Cast of Breaking bad who all signed his blotters as well as Jeff Bridges did, and others I can't remember. You're not the only one that knows people and if you think you do you are just another self absorbed idiot. I've been around, all over Europe, the Middle East, South America, China, South Korea, Canada and Mexico. I have been studying psychedelics for almost two decades as well as cannabis.Read the text,knew.
And you're proving'm done you're a joke and I need not point out your lack of intelligence on this subject. Gimmie your email,I'll send you the HOME MOVIES ken gave me from Egypt while he was riding around with a shitty band called the grateful dead.
Until you been around,stay off shakedown..
I been laying acid for 25 years..tell me something NEW..Never got anything from shakedown, I have a friend in NYC, know wait I'm going to name drop again, that is friends with Alex Grey and he has A lot of Vanity blotters signed by Grey, Leary, kesey, Amanda Sage, McCloud, he has done personal blotters for Jeff Bridges, the Cast of Breaking bad who all signed his blotters as well as Jeff Bridges did, and others I can't remember. You're not the only one that knows people and if you think you do you are just another self absorbed idiot. I've been around, all over Europe, the Middle East, South America, China, South Korea, Canada and Mexico. I have been studying psychedelics for almost two decades as well as cannabis.
Never got anything from shakedown, I have a friend in NYC, now wait I'm going to name drop again, that is friends with Alex Grey and he has A lot of Vanity blotters signed by Grey, Leary, kesey, Amanda Sage, McCloud, he has done personal blotters for Jeff Bridges, the Cast of Breaking bad who all signed his blotters as well as Jeff Bridges did, and others I can't remember. You're not the only one that knows people and if you think you do you are just another self absorbed idiot. I've been around, all over Europe, the Middle East, South America, China, South Korea, Canada and Mexico. I have been studying psychedelics for almost two decades as well as cannabis.
Don't come in h.s. if you dont want to see me cause its my home away from tour...Nice pic of your mom and I don't care what you claim you have done. If you want to compare cannabis lets do it as I am an expert in that field. With Pickard doing life in prison you must know the only chemist around and I doubt you live in the bay area or NYC
I'm not looking for attention seems you are though. I saw this thread and put up some pics of my collection and you went cocaine crazy over it like I was trying to rip people off. I'm an adult who likes to collect all kinds of art not some hippy following shitty jam bands talking about tripping.
I tell you what I'm done with you as you are to ignorant to even have an educated debate. hope to never see you again.