I'm noob


Hello everyone I'm Adam.

I am new to the cultivation of marijuana. So don't bring the hammer down to hard on me. If this needs to be moved to another section of the forums I do understand. I posted in here because the titled seemed fit.

I had come up upon a seed in some bud I had bought and decided to just put it in a plant pot out of pure impulse to see what would happen. Within a few days I saw the the seed had broke ground and begun its life. I have had no knowledge on what I have been doing up till a week or 2 ago.

The seed was from a "strain" called "White Guava" but it honestly could be anything, I planted it on June 2nd, I began flowering it about 2 weeks ago. This is my first time doing anything with a seed. I wanted to wing it and learn what I could before I exploited the wealth of knowledge on the Internet. I do not care about my potency, yield, or anything on that matter since it is my first time. I will attach some pictures Below so you can see my tree and the setup. I made good with what I had sense I was still not sure if I wanted to continue after this one plant. But its safe to say I have enjoyed this and I will be taking proper steps with my next plant. So don't start bashing your keyboards with the fingers telling me my set up is crap. I know this, I did good with what I had and I'm proud of that fact, let me know what you guys think. I know its not the garden of eden.Weed 003.jpgWeed 002.jpgWeed 001.jpg The soil is from my backyard under a Mango tree. I throw all my vegetable peelings from fruit out into a bin next to the tree for some home made compost that I have been doing for quite some time and never really used it. Just did it for the benefit of the mango tree. But yet I don't eat the mangos so they simply fall to the ground and decay into the soil. Also mixed with some miracle grow but When i transplanted him when he was younger i noticed he started slacking and loosing color. I don't know if this was from shock of being moved to a bigger pot or it was the miracle grow since it has some acidity to it. But I'm not 100%

For the Fertilizer I know its not the right one but its something and that's what counts imo it's for orchids 11-35-15 but i use it in very small doses, It has seemed to help out.


Well-Known Member
Stretchy but looks healthy enough. you might want to stake that tall girl so she doen't fall over when she gets top heavy. Well done, next time use more light and keep it closer ;)

"I do not care about my potency, yield, or anything ...", you might say that but secretly you do ;) We all do ;)


Yes its stretchy as hell, I plan on adding support within the next couple of days. Thanks for checking it out, and of course I do care a little. ;)

I might as well add some other things that I left out. I never fertilized her till maybe when I started flowering because I never thought about it. I have been using an orchid bloomer as my fert and I must say it has treated her well. Her color became more vibrant and she looked more upright within a few days. I diluted it down with extra water so I didn't poison her, or add too much ferts. I water probably every 2-3 days? I don't know if that's consistently enough I wait for the soil to dry up etc. I also noticed I use the letter "I" too much.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't suggest letting her dry out totally. Always keep the soil (soiless mix) moist (not wet). 2-3 day is probably about right, just don't let it dry.

For a first time around she looks pretty good especially considering you went into this totally green.


Active Member
what is it flowering under cfl if so how many really shouldnt have let it get so tall if flowering will cfl try to get some more light and put them all around the plant that will be your best bet with a plant that tall and with cfl next time do some training you will be much happier with the results


Yeah it got pretty tall but I didn't really know what was going on with it I just let it run its course. For the next plant I grow I will be sure to take the proper steps in having a beautifully budded plant. Thanks jman


Read everything you can and jot down notes that work for the style of growing you want to do. I just started my first grow and I'm going with Professor Marijuana's KISS method. Lot's (from what I've read here) of the big timers, who grow in soil ect..., also let their soil dry out before watering. Makes sense as the roots are taking in everything you just gave them before giving them more. I like your approach to this, learning from mistakes, same approach I'll use! Find you some favorite growers here and run with it! A few growers that I read when they post are........
hotrodharley (straight up info)
alley walker (genius)
fresnofarmer (bigtime)
raiderman (bigtime)
ohsogreen (organic)
and of course professor marijuana
list could go on and on.
GL and an early congrats on your bud!!!!


Well-Known Member
Congrats! I've spent the last month learning everything I could and spending some serious scratch on equipment, and I managed to kill one seedling within 5 days. The other one (I germed two) still seems to have some life in her, but we'll see how long that lasts. :)

Good job winging it!


Active Member
Great job. She looks awesome. Growing is easy just don't overthink it or overdo it with nutrients. They want to grow for you.
keep us up on how she's doing.


@Dkmlf1 Thanks for the info man. I will look into some of those, I came across a grow guide on Autofarms or Warerfarms.. Idk his name was SCOOTYBALLS I think. That looked amazing. I would like to give that a shot when I get some more experience.

@krypt haha good luck, do you have a thread on the progress? I wanna see thee trees!

@villa Thanks, I will add update pictures within a week. Thanks for your curiosity.


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone I'm Adam.

I am new to the cultivation of marijuana. So don't bring the hammer down to hard on me. If this needs to be moved to another section of the forums I do understand. I posted in here because the titled seemed fit.

I had come up upon a seed in some bud I had bought and decided to just put it in a plant pot out of pure impulse to see what would happen. Within a few days I saw the the seed had broke ground and begun its life. I have had no knowledge on what I have been doing up till a week or 2 ago.

The seed was from a "strain" called "White Guava" but it honestly could be anything, I planted it on June 2nd, I began flowering it about 2 weeks ago. This is my first time doing anything with a seed. I wanted to wing it and learn what I could before I exploited the wealth of knowledge on the Internet. I do not care about my potency, yield, or anything on that matter since it is my first time. I will attach some pictures Below so you can see my tree and the setup. I made good with what I had sense I was still not sure if I wanted to continue after this one plant. But its safe to say I have enjoyed this and I will be taking proper steps with my next plant. So don't start bashing your keyboards with the fingers telling me my set up is crap. I know this, I did good with what I had and I'm proud of that fact, let me know what you guys think. I know its not the garden of eden.View attachment 2304470View attachment 2304472View attachment 2304473 The soil is from my backyard under a Mango tree. I throw all my vegetable peelings from fruit out into a bin next to the tree for some home made compost that I have been doing for quite some time and never really used it. Just did it for the benefit of the mango tree. But yet I don't eat the mangos so they simply fall to the ground and decay into the soil. Also mixed with some miracle grow but When i transplanted him when he was younger i noticed he started slacking and loosing color. I don't know if this was from shock of being moved to a bigger pot or it was the miracle grow since it has some acidity to it. But I'm not 100%

For the Fertilizer I know its not the right one but its something and that's what counts imo it's for orchids 11-35-15 but i use it in very small doses, It has seemed to help out.
Nobody's gonna bash ya.
Yes you're in the right section, and doing like I did a month or so ago, read, read, read, if you can't find the answers, don't be 'fraid to ask.
Lotsa helpful guys and gals here
BTW, your plants look pretty good, better than mine did at that size, except looks for sure not enough light, that second one I think is really reaching trying to grab your light and pull it closer.


Nobody's gonna bash ya.
Yes you're in the right section, and doing like I did a month or so ago, read, read, read, if you can't find the answers, don't be 'fraid to ask.
Lotsa helpful guys and gals here
BTW, your plants look pretty good, better than mine did at that size, except looks for sure not enough light, that second one I think is really reaching trying to grab your light and pull it closer.
Should I try and tie it to the side so more light can hit the plant? Not too tight but enough to get it at a better angle for light?