I'm new and looking for advise.

Hey folks wanted to give you an update:
things are looking great! Here are some pictures.

Also I wondering what time of day is best to do my watering? Just before lights out, or does it matter?
When and if i need to trim my fan leaves to optimize my plants? upload_2014-6-28_15-49-47.png upload_2014-6-28_15-50-15.png upload_2014-6-28_15-49-47.png upload_2014-6-28_15-50-15.png

What do you think of my progress? :)


I try to water when Im not on acid.
My body melted down last time and if not for my head staying solid I would be ground water by now
Drying is always the biggest struggle for me, its there its cut its lookin good, its too damn wet and taste like crap quick dried haha
Im 14 days in...I super-cropped my tops yesterday to keep the canopy even......, I did them in pretty good, but they are healing fine and the other branches are going crazy!
Here are some pics of the latest:

Room_07242014.jpg Carpe'_07242014.jpg Acute_07242014.jpg BM_07242014.jpg BM_Side_07242014.jpg Carpe'_7242014.jpg