i'm naming my plant Mohammed


New Member
The point I was making was not touched upon by your post. I shouldn't have to "ask" anyone what their position is on such an extreme subject. It is the responsibility of the appropriate group to disavow such statements, if, they feel it would reflect poorly upon their organization, so to speak, and they even care. I would think that pro-American muslims would try and repair the negative image bestowed upon their religion by their fellow devotees around the world. It seems they would rather remain silent on the subject. This is fine, but don't expect others to make the distinction on their own, that these are the "good" muslims.


New Member
WOW, i mean really Wow. Ask one of the 6-7 million muslims living in the US. Ask a Muslim in India, I have. They might not care for all of americas policies, but not one I talked to wanted Death for anyone. Where does this polarized hatred come from on BOTH sides? I am just so confused by it all, maybe the problem is too many people just enjoy fighting or saying they`re better than someone else.
I love to fight if you mean chat on the net. Hatred is not my cup of tea though.


Active Member
I am done with this thread. Just want to point out lastly that fdd's quote is exactly the significance i'm trying to get at. Put yourself in an American Muslim's shoes. Say theres one who has lived here his whole life. Then a Muslim from the other side of the world who has completely different values than him, flies a plane into a building shouting the one thing they have in common, something from one of the most practiced religions on earth. Now all the other americans do not even see the American in the Muslim, they see a muslim who needs to apologize for his muslim side and reaffirm his patriotism? I would be offended that one would question my patriotism in the first place. If you can not see the distinction yourself then you are giving in to xenophobia. It's similar to the Asian americans who were rounded up at the onset of world war II and Pearl Harbor.


New Member
Patriotism is self-evident/obvious. Religious zealotry crosses all national borders. Maybe I weakened my argument by referring to "America" as an example, since the hate America crowd is so pervasive. It is entirely appropriate to declare your position when those around you are unsure of it, if you care about those around you. I didn't question your patriotism, nor did you declare it.


New Member
I have to address your xenophobia argument, it's too often used when logical debate begins to fail. I have negative feelings about strangers and friends alike who question the integrity of the great nation I was born into and the greatness of the founding documents. Period. I have just as much respect for the autonomous nations and citizens around the world as I do for my own family, until you prove disrespectful/unworthy of respect. Then whether family or stranger, we got issues.


Active Member
It may be entirely appropriate, but to expect all Muslims to now come out and be fervent Patriots is wrong. To assume that because they do not do this they want to kill America is also wrong. I love America, I am the first of my family to be born here and you have no idea how much easier life is here than in my village in India. I love America, because in America I can say I hate America and its okay. I love America precisely because I do not have to say I love America every time an autocrat (or person) wants me to. God Bless America.


New Member
It seems you "have no idea" how hard things are in India either, since you were born here. We have that in common. Stop trying to divide us.


New Member
It may be entirely appropriate, but to expect all Muslims to now come out and be fervent Patriots is wrong. To assume that because they do not do this they want to kill America is also wrong. I love America, I am the first of my family to be born here and you have no idea how much easier life is here than in my village in India. I love America, because in America I can say I hate America and its okay. I love America precisely because I do not have to say I love America every time an autocrat (or person) wants me to. God Bless America.
God bless America!