I'm moving to Colorado in 6 weeks..


Well-Known Member
Beware of which ones you get, good ones are worlds better than Solomon Snowbladez.

This is my preferred way to get down the mountain, as well. I don't want to ride a snowboard and skis are bullshit by comparison.
I only board. Started 25 yrs ago. I remember when those little skiis started showing up. Dudes lookin like they were having a blast. I thought they used to be called barefoot, or maybe bigfoot?
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Well-Known Member
I only board. Started 25 yrs ago. I remember when those little skies started showing up. Dudes lookin like they were having a blast. I thought they used to be called barefoot, or maybe bigfoot?
Kneissel Bigfeet! I didn't ride them but one of my friends loved them so much they became his trademark lol

I prefer my skiboards to be about 90-100cm, twin tips for going backwards. No poles, but I like to wear a helmet because they're warm and I often find myself doing 70mph on some of the steeper blue groomers lol


Well-Known Member
Just heard on NPR that Colorado Springs was 68th in rental costs last year and now they are in the top 10.

I never really got knuckle dragging. We called them Slowboards because we always had to wait for snowboarders. The flats are the worst. It is fun in some conditions, but for powder I will always ski.


Well-Known Member
Just heard on NPR that Colorado Springs was 68th in rental costs last year and now they are in the top 10.

I never really got knuckle dragging. We called them Slowboards because we always had to wait for snowboarders. The flats are the worst. It is fun in some conditions, but for powder I will always ski.
I've found that Skiboards are a combination of the best of the other two styles, with few of the disadvantages. You should try them. ESPECIALLY in deep n steep powder, lol