i'm making some cake


Well-Known Member
i have NO use for them. this is all for the sake of science. :-P
^^I suggest taking the time to create
some spore prints; plenty of instructional
videos on this very simple subject.

There is also the technique of cloning
and a few other mycology tricks o' the
trade, so to speak. Good life skills in
my opinion.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
i had 2 different syringes, 12 jars. did 6 and 6. one syringe worked in all 6 jars. the other 6 all failed. i simply reinjected them yesterday. i had 2 more syringes to use up. they are LOADED now. they may or may not work. we'll know in a week.

the 6 that took are looking really good. :cool:


Well-Known Member
I was curious about reinjecting failed jars a few days ago. I was told contamination was likely to occur. Are you not worried about comtams, is it just unlikely, or what? To keep from posting the same thing twice I'll just link the other post. Sorry for butting in on this thread, just lookin for some pointers. Thx. https://www.rollitup.org/showthread.php?t=270481


Well-Known Member
nothing was growing in there so i figure it was still sterile. i grabbed a syringe, heated the end, cooled it and inject the cakes for a second time. i loaded six 1 pint jars with 2 syringes full. LOADED then up.

this is pretty much a 1 time thing. i have no idea what i would do if they actually grew. throw them away most likely. i have 6 that seem to be good so i pretty much already have all i need. if they fail "oh well". if they work, they're gonna blow up. :)


Well-Known Member
I am eager to see your results... wouldn't everyone be happy to see before their eyes a yardfull of shrooms like poppy fields nestled among the jungle....amanitas had a point to the WONDERLAND and MARIO BROS videogame... what else can it bring to your life... fantasia as DISNEY pronounced it to be ;)
obviously you have never lived in a rural area. my neighbor has cattle and they graze naturally most of the time. they definitely dont salt the feilds cuz we get the big ass caps with orange nipples on them and when you break the stem they turn blue. ill have to find em on erowid real quick. we have two or three types of natural psylocibin shrooms in our area. the other type is what we call re rockets and they are pink and have a weird oblong cap.

much like these except they grow to be 6 plus inch wide caps and the lil film that covers the underside is purple or blue.